男仔越重視女方, 越容易嬲??

2007-11-03 7:17 pm
我覺得男仔好鬼小氣架, D人話佢重視你先容易嬲你, 究竟係唔係真ka?
佢成日咁易嬲, 我又要估佢嬲mu野, 好"支力"呀, 想放棄啦!

佢太多次因為小事而嬲左我, 跟住又花好長時間和好, 不久又嬲, 不斷的冷戰使我身心疲累。咁還算重視? 究竟關係重要D, 定是佢自尊重要?

回答 (3)

2007-11-03 7:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2007-11-03 7:35 pm
don't give up...
i thought your boy friend angry was because he care you or don't want to lose you or...
don't want you to get any hurt...
maybe you can think about have you did something wrong...
just like
talk to your friend ( male and female ) more than to your boy friend
or very 曖昧 with other boy
something like that...
so don't give up
....this is so hard to get a boy friend that care you very much ^_^
參考: love
2007-11-03 7:24 pm
睇黎佢鍾意你掛 .. 其他男仔有冇咁先!?
吾緊張你都吾得閒嬲你拉 .. 嬲你有咩好姐 .. 系咪先!?
我諗佢都吾想嬲你 .. 想你留意下佢掛

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