Question about 男士美容

2007-11-03 10:51 am
I am going to marry next year and want to fix my long term face skin problem.

I have some acne and quite a lot of scar..

Is doing facial help? Anyone can recommend some good and reliable one to me?

What is the price range?

(Preferred in Hong Kong Island)


回答 (2)

2007-11-04 12:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
依家$150可以試做dermalogica facial~


有興趣可以留低聯絡電話到[email protected]
2007-11-06 12:07 am
我自己做開facial的美容院有見過兩公婆去做facial,不知道他們是做那個牌子的,我自己做開的facial價格大概$200-$500一次,美容院在銅鑼灣,你要是不覺得遠可以試試。環境不錯,最主要是不hard sell,值得一試。

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