i love my parents so much, i am scared to lose them?

2007-11-03 6:04 am
and how i would cope, i think i might have a problem because i always get upset thinking they are going to die, i am 16 male and they are 46 and 60 (also divorced) can someone talk to me on yahoo messenger please, i need someone to talk to.

anyone please who has lost thier parents or thinks the same as me, or can just give me some advice!

回答 (8)

2007-11-03 6:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
Look, it is a part of life. don't think like that. My hubby is 30 and his parents are 67. Everyone dies, but know you will see them again. Besides, they haven't died yet! Be happy and spend time with them! Also, what is making you so uncomfortable, maybe it is a sense of security? have you talked to them about it? I feel the same way when I start thinking about losing a loved one. But just know you are not alone.
2007-11-03 6:30 am
Honey, that is alot of anxiety to carry around. Your mom and dad are going to be fine. They managed to live all this time raising you, I think they know how to handle things sweetie. It's just one of those things that we can't let consume our lives. If we were all so worried about death, we wouldn't have time to live hon. We'd miss out on everything fun and stop enjoying the things we should be enjoying.

I know it's hard to simply stop worrying about this, but look at it this way: Can you control life and death? Do you have a say in when it's someone's time to pass on? Truth is, none of us do. It's why we shouldn't stress about it. When it's our time, it's our time. God decides that. And if you believe, you should know that God will not take them when they are so obviously needed here on earth.

You should also talk to someone about these fears. Chances are, you stress about alot of things. Those unfounded fears are an anxiety disorder and talking through them along with medication should help those fears reside.

I wish you peace sweetie, you are far too young to be worrying so much.
參考: Social worker, mother of 5
2007-11-03 6:30 am
When I was younger I didn't think that way.... but now that I am growing up so is my parents are getting older. I do think about it.
2007-11-03 6:27 am
Yes, your parents are going to die. Hopefully when you are in 40's and have enough life experience to handle it.
Do you have a church? If so, talk to your minister.Almost everyone dreads the thought of loosing a parent. At your age, you depend on them and you are thinking about loosing your support system, financial and emotional.
As you get older and realize you parents are pretty smart, you depend on them more and more. It is wonderful. I admit, I wasn't all that upset when my dad died, but he wasn't much of a parent. Now mom? I called her 3 times today, (we live 200 miles apart), once just to see where I was messing up making an apple pie.
TALK to your parents about all the things. The more you know about them and their opinions on life, the more information you can store away for later use.
I have a cousin who cared for her elderly parents, they lived with her until they died in their 90's. This lady was in her 60's and could not bear the thought of loosing her mom and dad. When she was in her 70's they passed away with in months of each other, and both died in her arms. Sad? Not really. My cousin was thrilled with all the time she was able to devote to her parents and that her kids were able to grow up with their grandparents. It was hard for her when they were no longer there, but she gleaned a lot of wisdom from them and has a lot of memories to cherish.
You are indeed a wise and sensitive 16 year old to recognize that you love your parents. Let them know this and how special they are to you. Cherish them and be kind and thoughtful toward them. Give them handwritten thank you notes a couple of times a year so they know you love and appreciate them.
You will find that as you do all you can to let you parents know how special they are, you will look forward to ways to make them feel loved. Eventually you will get to a place that you realize it won't be hard to let them go (in 30-40 years) because you have done what you could to make some wonderful memories together.
You are young now and probably don't have a lot of cherished memories of time spent together. It is those memories that make loosing a parent a bit easier to deal with.
Plan ahead, Once I got into my 40's, I was able to take my mom to Europe. We have traveled all over the world together and love taking weekend trips together. Talk to your parents and plan a trip with each of them that you can go on when you are out of college. The joy of doing something for them will replace the anxiety you have over loosing them.
If they aren't asleep, and are nearby, go and give 'em a hug right now...and ask them where they want to travel to....
2007-11-03 6:26 am
I think I know how you feel, I expect my dad to live a little bit longer, but I lost him last year. It still hurts and I really miss him a lot, we've always have a very good relationship and we never fight. Even when I type this I have tears in eyes, it's so sad to lose someone who loves you so unconditionally, this is the type of lost that you can never replaced. So my advise is always treat the ones you love like you'll never see them again tomorrow, cos you never know. Sadly and helplessly you cannot change the "circle of life", so all you can do is treasure your love ones so that you'll never regret. Spent some good times with them. Believe me the memories will last for your life time. Even though I'm sad but all I can remember right now is all the happy times that I spent with my dad and I spent as much time as I can with my mom cos she's the only I've got now. I hope this can help you. All the best.
2007-11-03 6:24 am
why are you focusing on the negative? why do you think they are going to die? are they sick?
rather than stress your self about something you have no concrete reason to stress about....just let it go.
Your parents are a blessing that you should enjoy not be worried about. I think I understand where you are coming form, I used to worry about losing my parents because they are basicaly the center of my world. But you need to relax. Your love for your parents should not be a burden or cause you to be depressed. Its a good thing that u love them and have a good relationship with them(compared to other teens your age) so pls pls pls, stop worrying!
2007-11-03 6:11 am
I am so scared of losing one of my parents and have felt this way for a long time. I suggest you get psychological help after you are 18. It is uncomfortable to live this way.
2007-11-03 6:10 am
I worry about my parents a lot to, and when my mom or dad goes out at night I think the exact same thing, so even if you are 16, you can still call to check up on them. You aren't alone, I think a lot of people worry about their parents and think they are going to die. Just tell yourself they aren't and distract yourself. You should also tell tell your parents how you feel.

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