how to be good father, husband, brother at same time??

2007-11-03 5:56 am

回答 (4)

2007-11-03 6:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
Juggling priorities and people you love can be tough. You can't let them all feel like they have a right to treat you poorly first of all. Take care of yourself emotionally FIRST. If you're not fulfilled with who you are, then you're really no good to them. Next, take care of your marriage and your wife. When you model a strong, loving, healthy r'ship, it is the best gift you can give to your in that respect, you're not only being a great husband but you're also being a great father by showing your children what a REAL man is and how a real man loves his woman.
2007-11-03 6:32 am
I think most important is with "love" when you truly love you kid, wife and sister, then you'll know what to do. Always follow your heart, it'll lead you to the right path.
2007-11-03 6:05 am

You need to decide what's more important.
2007-11-03 6:05 am

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