How do you feel about children participating in planned/scheduled activities almost every day of the week?

2007-11-03 3:06 am

回答 (10)

2007-11-10 11:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
What's wrong with doing things at home as a family?
2007-11-11 12:26 am
I have no objections.
2007-11-03 4:02 am
It depends what kind of activities they have and how many activities are there in one day. If they're enjoying the activities there's not a problem. If they don't I'm sure they'll complain or there's any signs that the kids are burn out, then review their activities again.
2007-11-03 4:34 am
I think it's gotten to be, in many cases, more of a competition between "soccer moms" to see whose kid takes the most extra-curricular lessons. Many mothers are just trying to "get rid" of their kids the longest time possible and some others just believe they are actually providing their children with the best tools to get ahead in life. I think moderation and actually taking into consideration our children's interest in the activities they're participating in after school, is the best route in this matter. It's sad to hear a mother brag about all the activities her kid participates in, while you witness her child object and rebel against it.
2007-11-03 4:27 am
It shouldn't be a problem with me. As long as the children don't feel tired or overwhelmed and it doesn't interfere with education or homework, it should be ok. Kids will only be kids once. I would allow and always encourage them to take part in school activities and fun things that others kids do. Kids need to explore the world and realize there are many things out there that they can do. Activities are always good for kids. It is always better to raise children to be ambitious and take part in the world than to raise children who only sit home all day long and watch tv, sleep, eat, or hang out with their friends in the streets all the time.
2007-11-03 3:24 am
I think that it is wrong. kids anymore don't have an imagination. they need to be entertained all the time. and i think it is because we as parents plan every minute of their day. they have enough of a schedule in school. I think they should have evenings and weekends to do unplanned things. except if they enjoy sports but don't over load on to many of them.
2007-11-03 3:13 am
Depends. Depends on the child, the activity, how long...If they really enjoy it, and it doesn't interfere with school, then why not. Kids need down time though. They should have time to just go out and play. Forcing them to do activities isn't a good idea. Let kids be kids.

My friend, who's 14, does waaay too much. On Thursdays alone, she has dance, voice, and piano. Doesn't home until 9. On top of that, she gets about 4 hours of sleep a night, if she's lucky. It's getting to be ridiculous. She has no time to do anything, and she's overworked.
2007-11-03 3:10 am
No way. Children only have one childhood and should not have to endure that being taken away from them.
2007-11-03 3:10 am
I think have them pci 2 at the most cause Family always (Should ) Come before freinds and activites!
2007-11-03 3:10 am
I think they would get burnt out eventually. I think kids need a schedule but being spontaneous is a good thing also.

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