How to make someone jelous?

2007-11-02 11:20 pm
Please help! My best friend has been so mean to me since she became popular. I want to make her jelous. I have two classes with her... how do I make her jelous?

回答 (2)

2007-11-02 11:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I wouldnt try that. It might backfire on you especially if she doesnt care. It will just make you feel worse. Instead just go find some new friends who will value who you are. Forget her.
2007-11-02 11:30 pm
This is very childish (sorry to say) if she's your best friend you should be very proud of her that she become popular. If she's mean to you that means she's not your best friend then you should keep a distance with her. One thing you can make her jealous (that's what I always tell my own daughter and she listens to me and do what I said, she's very popular among her friends and teachers), concentrate on your study, become the top one in class (academically), volunteer to help the teachers, be nice to people (even when you're popluar) believe me you'll be more popular than her, everyone will want to be your friends. I hope this will help you. :)

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