I am 1/2 Mexican BF Vietnamese/Chinese, I'm PREG! How do we tell his parents?!?

2007-11-02 10:27 pm
Like the headline says, I am in some trouble. We have only dated for about 5months. Now I am Preg! His family really believes in marriage before children, I know that, but they are Buddhist religion and I am wondering if my BF will be disowned? Do they believe in abortion (not that I am getting one)? Any advise for telling them??

I am 25 and he is 31

回答 (7)

2007-11-02 11:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I do not know about the Vietnamese, but if Chinese, I would say "Most" of the parents when they know that you're pregnent, they'll accept you with open arms. Just be honest and sincere, this is the most important thing. If they are traditional family both of you should asked for forgiveness. Of course they may not be very happy about it, (i'm sure your BF won't be disowned) but when they see the grandchild, they'll forget / forgive everything. Unless you want to break up, otherwise keep the baby. How old are both of you? If you're asking this kind of question I'm assuming both of you are still young (very young). Do you (both) have any plans how you're going to raise the kids? Are either of you finacially secure? If you never thought about this you better think about it now. Cos it's more important.
2007-11-02 10:32 pm
How old are you and the BF?
2007-11-02 10:31 pm
Whether they like it or not, they will be grandparents. If they love their son, they will support him.
2007-11-02 10:35 pm
one quick fix: getting married asap n u will never need to explain @ yr pregnancy.
2007-11-03 1:38 am
I couldn't hold off my laughs when I got to Addtional Details. You're 25 and he's 31 and you're worried? When reading the question, I thought you both were teens. Don't worry about the disowning thing. A Viet mother will NEVER do that. His dad might but his mom will talk him out of that. Even if that fails, things will be OK in a few years. Have they met you? If not, the disappointment is not your pregnancy but your ethnicity. They might not be racist but they prefer their son, especially if he's the eldest one, to marry another Viet or Chinese. I believe they will organize a quick wedding before your pregnancy is so noticeable.
2007-11-02 10:38 pm
his parents should understand but whether that baby lives is up to you prove to them you can be a good mother they will eventually accept that,if you want to keep it remember its your decision not theirs
2007-11-02 10:31 pm
good luck,

Don't worry that actually happened to me I was heart broken, scared, and were only dating for 5 months too and yes I'm Mexican and his Mexican 2 but his parents are more conservatives then My family is, but as soon as I told him I was Pregnant he went & talked to his parents w/ me and that was the second time I met his parents ... My mom on the other hand that was the difficult part but, I said it it came out ... I was crying hysterically but I said it ..
And they might take it calmly too. But it the depends on the age too if his under age yeah there gonna freak out or if you are ..

GOod luck and I hope things work out

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