What do you do when your alone?

2007-11-02 12:56 pm

回答 (26)

2007-11-02 1:09 pm
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Play video games, read books, watch horror movies and more personal - watch porn on the web, my videos, or my magazines. (I don't need to fill in the blanks on what else I do, while I'm watching them. LOL)
2007-11-02 8:00 pm
I think of the one I love and how to get her back.
2007-11-02 8:00 pm
Answer stupid questions on Yahoo Answers....
2007-11-03 12:32 am
Watch movies on tv, surf the web and please myself.
2007-11-02 8:22 pm
Get a Job, save the money for about 3weeks then just SPEND it on you ... That's what i do and you will be happy =] .. hope i have helped.
2007-11-02 8:09 pm
Think of ways to improve surf rescue equipment.
Design totally new surf rescue equipment.
Go surfing?
2007-11-02 8:08 pm
I'd look for company cuz i hate being alone
2007-11-02 8:07 pm
listen to music and browse ebay
2007-11-02 8:04 pm
I will study books of my interest.Now a days,there are so many ways to spent time when v r alone..
2007-11-02 8:03 pm
Listen to music full volume.
2007-11-02 8:03 pm
watch tv or call all my friends to home
2007-11-02 8:03 pm
go to yahoo .com and answer the question and u will not fell alone and have some music with same snacks definetly technology is one of imoprtant think to rid of lonliness
2007-11-02 8:02 pm
To be laying on a comfy couch with a nice warm throw blanket, have a fire going, watching endless movies, and having nothing to worry about except how the feeling of being so relaxed made me fall into an oblivion.

......yeah that would be nice to catch that break.
2007-11-02 8:02 pm
well i am usually bored out of my mind..i work from 6 pm to 6am...and i work alone....therefore i get on here...when i am at home i sleep or watch tv....clean my house...stuff like that
2007-11-02 8:02 pm
2007-11-02 8:01 pm
hehehe...cant tell u, but it is very sticky
2007-11-02 8:00 pm
Sit online :P
2007-11-02 8:00 pm
Hmmm... Depends on the place and situation. If at home (day), net; night, sleep(owz... - told you depends on the situation). If at school, study!!! :D
2007-11-02 8:00 pm
Go out 2 a party or night club and just ave fun get 2 know more new people u might find the perfect partner
2007-11-02 8:00 pm
All kinds of things. Exercise, read, watch TV, shopping, call friends or Mom, play on my computer, piddle around the house, hobbies, relax, etc.
2007-11-02 8:00 pm
short term, sit on here talking to all you fantastic people.
Long time, enjoy the closeness of my freindships, get to know abit more about who I am & what I want out of life.
2007-11-02 8:00 pm
When I am home alone, which isn't often these days, I watch TV, surf the net, play World of Warcraft and of course occasionally also squeeze in some time to eat or sleep.
2007-11-02 7:59 pm
watch TV
2007-11-02 8:00 pm
i **** bitches & get money!
2007-11-02 7:59 pm
have a good time, aka, bash the bishop, rub the pole. you know what i mean!
2007-11-02 7:59 pm
Hunt for 'bats in the cave', let rip some farts..............

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