f4 電腦功課

2007-11-03 1:11 am
What should you do if you need to copy information from other resources into your presentation in view of avoiding copyright infringement?

回答 (3)

2007-11-03 1:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
The proper way to use other resources by retaining intellectual property right is :

If it is a someone speech or quotes, use quotation marks around.
eg. "I will get the job done", spoken by Donald Tsang.
Better even, mention where you site it from. eg. which newspaper, which book.

If it is some information and fact.
Even if you interpret in your own words, you need to mention how you find out this information. You can do it this way:

Objects drop due to gravity [1]. <-- increment this number for the next reference.

Then, in the end of your presesntation, put a slide with header "REFERENCES".

[1] Newton Law by john owen (1990)
[2] Yahoo Answer (http://www.....)

2007-11-02 17:39:44 補充:
As you mentionedt is 電腦功課,for programming codes (eg. C++, Java), even the way you write it is different (eg. change a For loop to a While loop), if the logic is the same, you need to give the source in the reference.Same applied toequations (eg. F = ma [3])
參考: have given presentations for my company
2007-11-03 1:23 am
You should obtain permission from the owner of that resources to copy the information into your presentation. Also, you need to show where the source come from in the presentation.
參考: me
2007-11-03 1:16 am
1. You add some your own opinion

2. You change some words
參考: Me

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