幫我翻譯丫 !

2007-11-03 12:48 am
我是香港分行的客戶 , 我收到一封你們銀行canada分行 寄出的email ,
我想核實真假 ! 希望可以收到你們的回覆 !

仲有仲有 :: email 內容係有關 拍賣 ga ! 請問你地銀行有沒有DHL Shipping Service 呢 ?

回答 (7)

2007-11-03 12:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am a customer of the Hong Kong branch, I receive a email that your bank canada branch sent,
I want to verify true and false ! Hope to receive your replying!
2007-11-03 11:06 pm
I am the Hong Kong branch's customer, I receive email which a your bank canada branch sends, I want to verify the genuine and fake! The hope may receive your reply!
2007-11-03 6:15 pm
I am Hong Kong Branch's customer, I receive email which a your bank canada branch mails out, I want to verify the genuine and fake! The hope may receive your reply!
參考: me
2007-11-03 5:13 am
我都費事同你翻譯, 多數你封嘢係假嘅, 我响加拿大咁多年從未聽過會由加拿大分行寄依貓去香港, 你嗰封嘢係網上拍賣嘅假信, 你不如 post 封信出嚟, 我一睇就知, 唔好再被人騙喇!!!

2007-11-02 21:15:24 補充:
你係咪現正响網上拍賣? 係就肯定呢封依貓係想騙你嘅貨物.
參考: 來自加國
2007-11-03 1:42 am
I'm a client of your Hong Kong Branch. I have received an email about an auction from the Canada Branch and I would like your office to verify its originator. Please kindly reply with advice. Do you provide DHL Shipping Service?
2007-11-03 12:59 am
I am a customer of your Branch in Hong Kong and received an email from your Canada branch. I would like to verify if this email is sent by your office, would you kindly reply to me as soon as possible.

2007-11-03 12:56 am
I'm a client of your HK branch. I have received an email sent from your Canada branch. Please help to clarify if it's a true or fake letter.

I look forward to receiving your reply.
參考: myself

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