
2007-11-02 11:24 pm
I will attend a cabin crew interview, anyone who can help me to answer the following questions in English

1. How does you relax when facing difficulties?
A: 我番到屋企會沖一個好舒服既涼 或者 我會去彈琴寄情於首歌,加上我係一個好易忘記唔開心既事的人.

2. What did u learn from your job?
A: 在我現在的工作, 我係一個前線人員, 係代表成間公司既形象. 我學會去建立一個好專業既形象, 永遠做一個非常好既聆聽者去汲取乘客既意見.另外,我學到良好既溝通技巧和 teamwork 既責任.

3. What is the excellent service?
A: 呢一條我唔係咁識答,請幫忙解答

4. What do u think Indian?
A: 我想答,係呢份職業上, 係冇種族歧視, 即使係來自先世界各地,我一樣都會提出最優質既服務比佢地(有冇補充?)

回答 (2)

2007-11-03 12:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
1A: I would go home and have a relaxing bath, or, i would go to play a piece of music on the piano. Furthermore, I am a very optimistic person. I forget about unhappy things easily.

2A: In my present job, I am a staff at the front line. I represent the image of the company. I learn to build up a professional image, and be a good listeners to comments made by the customers. Additionally, I learnt good communication skills and responsibility of teamwork.

3A: Excellent service is what satisfy our customers perfectly, and it is exactly what my company is offering now. Excellent service makes the customers feel good and makes the staffs enjoyable in the process of doing business. Our company is enthusiastic and keen on providing only the very excellent service.

4A: In my job, there is no racism. Even the customers come from another country, I would still provide high quality service to them (and I would treat every customer the same with my professional skills and knowledge. )
參考: me,,
2007-11-03 12:04 am
1. How does you relax when facing difficulties?
A: 我番到屋企會沖一個好舒服既涼 或者 我會去彈琴寄情於首歌,加上我係一個好易忘記唔開心既事的人.
I will take a long bath or play the piano. It is easy for me to forget things which make me unhappy

2. What did u learn from your job?
A: 在我現在的工作, 我係一個前線人員, 係代表成間公司既形象. 我學會去建立一個好專業既形象, 永遠做一個非常好既聆聽者去汲取乘客既意見.另外,我學到良好既溝通技巧和 teamwork 既責任.
I'm now working at the frontline, representing the company. I will learn to estabish a professional image, and be a good listener in order to receive opinion from my clients. I've learnt effective communication skills and to be a good team player.

4. What do u think Indian?
A: 我想答,係呢份職業上, 係冇種族歧視, 即使係來自先世界各地,我一樣都會提出最優質既服務比佢地(有冇補充?)
I think there should be no discrimination against race and I'll provide the best service to my clients from around the world.

3. What is the excellent service?
A: 呢一條我唔係咁識答,請幫忙解答
To fulfil customers' needs and make them feel satisfied with your pleasant and polite manner. (求其作的, 最主要是以誠懇和親切的態度, 用盡all the existing resources 令他們感到滿意, 請記著, 是令他們感到滿意, 而不是令他們滿意)

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