anaerobic 10 分

2007-11-02 10:58 pm
在aerobic respiration, glucose is completely broken down
在anaerobic respiration, glucose is just partially broken down
with most of the chemical energy locked up in the ethanol 和 lacitc acid molecules

何謂partially broken down , lock up in ethanol and lactic acid 又是什麼意思
最後想問, 運動後 lactic acid 究竟是convert into glycogen 還是water 與 co2

回答 (1)

2007-11-03 12:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
Partially broken down means most energy are not released
Glucose + Oxygen=>Carbon Dioxide + Water
High Energy Very Low energy Very Low energy
So many energy released!!
but in anerobic
Ethanol and lactic acid are still high energy compounds
that means only little energy are released in the process, most are "locked up"
Lactic acid will react with oxygen and become CO2 and water
They won't be converted into glycogen since they stay in cells not blodd

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