2007-11-02 7:21 pm
i have to write a film review.
And i want to ask what tense should I should use when i am introducing the content of the film?

回答 (3)

2007-11-02 7:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you can use past or present tense, but you need to be consistant.
i have written some film reports also, i used past tense for the story line, and present for my opinion
hope this help
2007-11-03 1:50 am
film review must be PRESENT TENSE but your feeling must be PAST TENSE~
I follow that so i got an A in my writing EX~

2007-11-02 17:53:19 補充:
my english teacher has said that for ∞ times~
2007-11-02 7:35 pm
You should use the tenses used in the film. For example, Harry Potter has many friends. He studies wizardry. He is not very tall. He went to live with his relatives when he was young, etc.

Use present tense when it is a present event in the film.
Use past tense when it was a past event in the film.
參考: I am an English teacher

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