夢中的婚禮english name

2007-11-02 4:35 pm
Have somebody know 夢中的婚禮's English name, thanks!!!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2007-11-02 5:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
夢中的婚禮 - Mariage D'amour (Marriage in Dream) ,作曲者是 Paul de Senneville 和 Oliver Toussaint 共同作的經典名曲。

80年代時因為在理察克來德門 ( Richard Clayerman ) 演奏後,風靡一時。 Richard Clayerman 只是演奏此樂曲的人,而非 Composer 。

2007-11-02 09:54:34 補充:
Richard Clayerman 應為 Richard Clayderman
參考: me
2007-11-02 4:43 pm

English Name: Mariage D'amour
Composer: Richard Clayerman

For more information, you can go to the official Web site: http://www.clayderman.co.uk/
參考: Myself, I had played this song before.

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