
2007-11-02 10:03 am
下星期會去歐洲旅行, 坐拾多小時的長途機
坐什麼位置會舒服些? 路邊坐位或靠 window

回答 (5)

2007-11-02 6:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
一定係 aisle seat 啦. 即路邊位. 另外, 如果你可做網上預辦登機. 就盡量 mark 前 D lor. 例如747機種, 30行開始係 Y class 既. 你盡量 mark 3x 行個 D lor. 因越前, 越靜 ka. 另外, 唔好 mark 近廁所, pantry 位個 D la. 好嘈 ka, 或有味. 坐 window 雖然可以挨住窗口瞓. 但好迫 ka. 轉身又怕嘈醒人. 去廁所或伸展下又唔方便. 坐長途機, 不時起身行下好 D 喎. anyway, 視乎個人決定啦. 祝旅途愉快!!
2007-11-03 9:29 am
Go to www.seatguru.com, then read their reviews on your flight's seats by choosing the airline and aircraft. When you do online check-in, choose your favourite seat and print your boarding pass.
2007-11-03 5:27 am
CATHAY PACIFIC 如你在CX的OFFICE買,可即時揀位,所以本人喜歡去國泰office買機票
B-747 首選44行,其次55行可以伸直隻腳或30行(747-400 standard)36行(747-40 premium)
B777-300 41行,55行,30行 B777-200 54行,30行
A330-300 & A340-300 & A340-600 54行OR 30行
參考: CX TIMETABLE & www.cathaypacific.com
2007-11-02 4:53 pm
The most comfortable should be the emergency exit seats where you can have your feet lay straight. These seats are always blocked & given on request at the airport counter! Try to arrive earlier & ask them...

Otherwise , seats on the first row of the economy cabine are good cos there will nobody in front of you. Ask for aisle seat if you take a long haul flight so that you can move around!!
參考: My past experience
2007-11-02 10:15 am
For economy class with long haul, it depends on your habit and your bladder:-

If you pick Aisle Seat, you may consider about to go to toilet during the flight

If you pick Window Seat, you may consider about to sleep all the way without using toilet during the flight.

Hope this can help
cheers :P

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