
2007-11-02 9:20 am
helloween.ivent 點做
and 幾時完?
help...hurry to answer !!right now

回答 (4)

2007-11-08 10:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
應該最後呢個week 啦,以下係guide:

2007 Halloween event guide

Release date: 22 Oct, 2007
Starting point (開始地點): Falador南門以西南 ∕ Port Sarim西北
Required stuff (所需物資):無特別所需物品但需要8個inventory space

- 去到starting point (圖一),就會見到dark portal(圖二)


圖一‧starting point map


圖二‧dark portal

- 入到去Grim reaper間屋就同講野,以下係呢間屋ge floor plan (1/F)


圖三‧Floor plan in Grim Reaper's house (1/F)

- 佢話你要幫佢響garden度拎番佢個ex-servant個skull,入到garden要徒手破網過"web maze",每人可以pass ge web路線應該不盡相同,請努力啦~~ hehe (參看圖四找skull ge位置)


圖四‧where's the skull??

- 好,搵到skull就出番黎,但係一出doorway個skull就會自動消失,你完成左Task 1啦~~~

— 去最西面ge房 (lounge),以下係呢間房ge map:


圖五‧lounge floor plan

- 拎哂7樣野出黎,再按diaries



- 上一層做task 3,以下係2/F ge map:


圖六‧2/F map

-slide, springboards同slime pool都同mem ge agility好相似,而pitfall traps就要自已小心d啦~~

P.S. tips: 見到多數人行邊就跟最安全~~ =p

— Grim reaper hood

— zombie hand emote (unlock)


圖七‧reward and "death" (see Grim Reaper hit me 68??)

P.S. please refer to my forum La villa de Kookie
參考: my experience and all posted to my forum~
2007-11-08 4:36 am
I think next week will end! THX!!

To start the Hallowe'en event you will need to find the very, very black house portal located north-west of Port Sarim (indicated by the menacingly foreboding black area on the map above). You'll know you're getting close when the light fades from the world, seemingly sucked into the unnatural black disc waiting for you.

When you arrive in Death's house, you'll find yourself in the main reception hall. Provided you aren't too horrified by the thought of what might lie in wait, you can then proceed down the hall to be greeted by the Reaper, who will be seated in his dark throne waiting for you.

In his most ghastly voice from beyond the grave, Death will explain the situation to you before commanding you to do his awful bidding around his (admittedly quite grand, if a bit messy) house of endless night. Moving about the house, you will find yourself accosted by nightmarish gargoyles leering from the doorways, portraits of Death's grand ancestors and Muncher - the Beast of the Night and Chewer of Misplaced Soft Toys and Home Furnishings.

Choke back your fear, put an end to your misgivings and summon what little courage you still have, and go through the first portal to face the visions of decay and nastiness that await you...
The first challenge you must overcome is that in the garden. Filled with woeful trees heavy with sodden and dead leaves, you must fight your way through spider webs to recover a skull. This isn't any ordinary skull - it once belonged to Death's former servant, and is a sign of what may become of you should you fail to serve Death well.

To work your way through the maze of void-born plants and the sticky morass of undead spider webs, simply click on one of the webs. If the spiders have made it well, you will be unable to push through, but if they have gone to the spider afterlife while spinning it, you should be able to move into the next section of the labyrinth.

Somewhere, within the maddening twists and convolutions of the garden, is the skull you have to find. Don't bother trying to follow someone else, though: the garden is different for everyone who enters...
Your next task to put Death's house in order will be to find his missing possessions in the lounge and parlour and put them in their rightful places. To help you out with all the kindness of the warm embrace of oblivion, Death has left his diary on the table in the parlour.
Your final task to appease the Lord of Eternal Endlessness is to test the obstacle course upstairs. Death has a strict policy of physical fitness for those in his employ who still have muscles, and it's been many long centuries since the obstacle course was last given a tune-up. The course is quite ordinary by Death's standards, and shouldn't pose any difficulty for an adventurer determined to escape Death's lair!
The course begins with the Slide of Madness, followed by a number of Spring Boards of Lost Souls that will propel you across pools of ominous black ooze, a wade through a regulation-size Terrifying Wading Pool of Green Slime, and finally a careful negotiation of the Field of Awful Pitfall Traps.
2007-11-02 2:59 pm
Hallowe'en 2007 Event Guide
This Hallowe'en, Death is coming for you!
To start the Hallowe'en event you will need to find the very, very black house portal located north-west of Port Sarim (indicated by the menacingly foreboding black area on the map above). You'll know you're getting close when the light fades from the world, seemingly sucked into the unnatural black disc waiting for you.

When you arrive in Death's house, you'll find yourself in the main reception hall. Provided you aren't too horrified by the thought of what might lie in wait, you can then proceed down the hall to be greeted by the Reaper, who will be seated in his dark throne waiting for you.

In his most ghastly voice from beyond the grave, Death will explain the situation to you before commanding you to do his awful bidding around his (admittedly quite grand, if a bit messy) house of endless night. Moving about the house, you will find yourself accosted by nightmarish gargoyles leering from the doorways, portraits of Death's grand ancestors and Muncher - the Beast of the Night and Chewer of Misplaced Soft Toys and Home Furnishings.

Choke back your fear, put an end to your misgivings and summon what little courage you still have, and go through the first portal to face the visions of decay and nastiness that await you...

In the Garden of Deathly Shadows

The first challenge you must overcome is that in the garden. Filled with woeful trees heavy with sodden and dead leaves, you must fight your way through spider webs to recover a skull. This isn't any ordinary skull - it once belonged to Death's former servant, and is a sign of what may become of you should you fail to serve Death well.

To work your way through the maze of void-born plants and the sticky morass of undead spider webs, simply click on one of the webs. If the spiders have made it well, you will be unable to push through, but if they have gone to the spider afterlife while spinning it, you should be able to move into the next section of the labyrinth.

Somewhere, within the maddening twists and convolutions of the garden, is the skull you have to find. Don't bother trying to follow someone else, though: the garden is different for everyone who enters...
2007-11-02 10:52 am
it should be end at the week after halloween,
u can do it in south of fador,
u will c sumwhere gone dark and got the present,
first u need to enter it, ,
then speak to grim ,
then just do what they called u to ,

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