我有好多程序上既野唔明, 想考過atcl performance幫下忙...
1) examiner未必會listen哂whole pieces, coz he/she needs to observate and record different parts of my performance of the pieces. <-- (Is it real?)
2) when I was playing the piece, the examiner probably will 打斷my performance, and then ask me some questions about that part, or anything<--(will the examiner do that?)
**仲有, 我想問彈完one piece後, 就可以彈the 2nd one... 即係, 好似我咁, 我彈Haydn sonata, Chopin Nocturne, Brahms intermezzo, 彈完sonata後, examiner會唔會叫sth like"now, you can start playing the next piece." 定係彈完sonata, 即彈nocturne, after nocturne, 又即彈intermezzo?? ***我想知道多d個程序會係點??
****aural: 會唔會based on programme notes黎問問題? programme notes: 佢幾時會based on programme notes 問問題? dressing: 點著先叫做唔係太隆重又appropriate? *****仲有d咩重要野要注意?