really urgent!ATCL Performance

2007-11-02 8:28 am
我17/11/2007就考atcl performance la~
我有好多程序上既野唔明, 想考過atcl performance幫下忙...

1) examiner未必會listen哂whole pieces, coz he/she needs to observate and record different parts of my performance of the pieces. <-- (Is it real?)

2) when I was playing the piece, the examiner probably will 打斷my performance, and then ask me some questions about that part, or anything<--(will the examiner do that?)

**仲有, 我想問彈完one piece後, 就可以彈the 2nd one... 即係, 好似我咁, 我彈Haydn sonata, Chopin Nocturne, Brahms intermezzo, 彈完sonata後, examiner會唔會叫sth like"now, you can start playing the next piece." 定係彈完sonata, 即彈nocturne, after nocturne, 又即彈intermezzo?? ***我想知道多d個程序會係點??


****aural: 會唔會based on programme notes黎問問題? programme notes: 佢幾時會based on programme notes 問問題? dressing: 點著先叫做唔係太隆重又appropriate? *****仲有d咩重要野要注意?

回答 (4)

2007-11-10 1:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實個guideline寫得出來, 都有機會發生, 但我考到FTCL, 都沒有試過無彈完whole piece, record都好像沒有, 可能我看不到

我想examiner will not interrupt your performance, and ask questions. It's not fair to interrupt only 1 candidate just to ask question, and not interrupt others. (在我身上沒發生過)

有些考官會在一開始說: From now on, I will not say anything until the whole performance ends. ok?
--> 你應該一次過彈完3首歌

if he/she doesn't say it, 你可以看一看考官可以pay attention 未(hints: he/she looks up OR he/she stops writing)

Aural: 跟syllabus

Programme note: he/she may ask, but I was never asked. 如果你清楚你彈的曲目, 應該沒問題的

Dressing: 普通長裙就OK la,

注意: 要全程投入去彈, 放多D感情, 不用怕 AND **小心睡覺不要壓到手臂, 因為第二天會很痛, 彈不到琴**

參考: I am FTCL
2008-09-19 9:10 am
Before you find the fault with me, PLEASE check the information carefully.
Refers to the Trinity diploma complete syllabus (page 13):

2008-09-19 01:11:21 補充:
[Examination room protocol]:

2008-09-19 01:11:34 補充:
In ATCL Performance examiners will interrupt minimally during the
performances, but will speak as necessary to administer the tests.

2008-09-19 01:11:48 補充:
Candidates must accept that at times the examiner will need to make notes for the report,
and may not be able to watch the performance at all times.

2008-09-19 01:12:35 補充:
My question is talking about ATCL Performance, not ATCL Recital.
So don't never ever slur on my good name, I AM NOT FAKING THE
2007-11-02 11:15 pm
我2002年考過, 那是沒有那些regulations, 我完整地彈哂所有歌
自己接住彈, 不用等examinar
viva voice 不是base on programmes notes, 你要非常了解首piece, 他問的問題跟programmes notes可以有關, 但不一定。
dressing, 女: 白襯衫, 黑長裙, 平底黑鞋, 男著西裝(不用jacket)
2007-11-02 2:23 pm
我以前有做過examinar ....或者可以幫到你
不如你比你msn我 我慢慢解答你d問題啦

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