what is scarcity?

2007-11-02 8:26 am
what is scarcity?

回答 (4)

2007-11-02 12:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In an economy, resources are limited. However, people's wants are infinite. So when the limited resources meet the infinite wants. This would cause scarcity.
參考: I just guess
2007-11-04 10:53 pm
Sacrcity is a state in which we do not have enough resources to satisfy ALL out wants.
Scarcity is a relative concept: a resource is scare only if its available quantity is not sufficient all our wants for it.
DO NOT THINK that a resources in little supply must be scare.
參考: Econ Textbook
2007-11-02 2:11 pm
是稀少性。 (簡單D黎講=唔夠)

人類有無限的慾望與及有限的資源便會造成稀少性。(簡單D黎講 慾望 > 資源)
還有,At $ 0 ,Qd>Qs 零價格底下 .. 需求量大過供應量

參考: 最近Econ課程所學。
2007-11-02 9:03 am
1. 蕭條(時期);缺乏,不足;匱乏

2. 稀少,罕見

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