why gramma can through paper ???? 20 points

2007-11-02 7:25 am
Help !!!!! please

回答 (1)

2007-11-02 1:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The gamma ray is an electromagnetic radiation pulse—a photon—of very short wavelength. Gamma rays range in energy from a few kiloelectronvolts to 100 MeV, although most radiations are in the range 50–6000 keV. As such, they lie at the very upper high-frequency end of the family of electromagnetic radiations. Due to their high energy content, they are able to pass through virtually all matters easily. So just a piece of paper will never shield well.
Shielding for gamma rays requires large amounts of mass. The material used for shielding takes into account that gamma rays are better absorbed by materials with high atomic number and high density. Also, the higher the energy of the gamma rays, the thicker the shielding required. Materials for shielding gamma rays are typically illustrated by the thickness required to reduce the intensity of the gamma rays by one half (the half value layer or HVL). For example, gamma rays that require 1 cm (0.4 inches) of lead to reduce their intensity by 50% will also have their intensity reduced in half by 6 cm (2½ inches) of concrete or 9 cm (3½ inches) of packed dirt.
I hope this can help your understanding.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:17:51
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