Grade 7 Piano Pieces B3, C2

2007-11-02 4:52 am
B3 TCHAIKOVSKY Octobre: Chant d' automne
C2 BRIAN BONSOR Willie Wagglestick's Walkabout
可唔可以講下首歌ge feeling, 景象, 背景果d?
thx! 10點呀!

回答 (2)

2007-11-06 1:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have just played C2 BRIAN BONSOR Willie Wagglestick's Walkabout for grade 7 piano exam.(27/30分)
呢首歌係形容緊一個人好輕鬆咁散步.所以彈個陣不應太過沈重.Also, It is a jazz song, so 要 注意節奏感,尤其是三連音對左手兩拍個節. Besides, 要注意accent 同pharsing.最重要就係NO 衝快.呢首歌節奏輕快, very easy to衝快. 我考個陣就因為衝快而被扣分!

But I really don't know amything about B3, sorry!
Hope I can help you.
參考: My experience
2007-11-02 5:32 am
For piece B3 TCHAIKOVSKY Octobre: Chant d' automne, I played it before(not for exam).

It is a song describing the scene of October, so that it is sad. You have to express this to audience. You must use pedal heavily. Give some emotion inside your performance, and do more expression, like rubato.

Sorry that I've never listen to C2 BRIAN BONSOR Willie Wagglestick's Walkabout.

However, I still hope that this can help you.
參考: My experience

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