chem 問題

2007-11-02 12:05 am
Experiment:Analysis of commercial Aspirin Tablets
Q1:Explain wht it is necessary to warm the reaction mixture of aspirin and sodium hydroxide solution.
Q2:Explain whether the aspirin can be titrated with standard sodium hydroxide rather than back titrated with standard hydrochloric acid.
Q3:Explain why phenol red is used as the indicator in this experiment.

回答 (1)

2007-11-02 7:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. As aspirin is insoluble in alkaline. Heating speeds up the reaction.
2. No. The reaction would be slow. Also, it is hard to ensure that all the aspirin reacts with just enough NaOH.
3. We need the end point at acidic pH. So, a suitable indicator such as phenol red is needed.
參考: ME

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