2 English questions (20marks will be given)

2007-11-01 9:20 pm
1. Why it is important to be brave?

2. How to be brave?

*(Please answer in English, and it is necessary to answer completely and clearly. Thanks a lot for your help!)

回答 (2)

2007-11-08 8:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
Brave can be defined as using all you have got to try out something which involves a risk of losing. It is risk-taking.

IN our human race, we can only improve when we push ourselves to the absolute maximum, possibly beyong what we are capable of doing today. If we do not have a brave heart and are afraid of losing on something all the time, then the chances of perfecting ourselves is not high. Also, being brave can be rewarding when you have gain form trying. it can be emotional, physical, financially or mentally gained form your experience. Of ocurse, we must make sure we have clearly separate brave with overestimation of oneself. Overestimating can be fatal whereas bravery is honurable in one sense.

Saving a child from corssing the road while getting seriously hurt him/herself does not always imply bravery. Bravery can be anything which comes from our provokative mind which new concepts and theories and ideas are born everyday. Even just go to work everyday can be said as being brave as who would want to work if you are Paris Hilton? Therefore, the second question which you ask is slightly too vague in my own opinion. It all depends how define the boundaries of brave. I cna say that i am being really brave in answering your question just now >_
2007-11-03 4:47 am
Bravery is an essential character because it brings justice, confidence and help us to be truthful.

When we face difficulties, bravery helps us stand strong, so that we have the courage to face problems instead of ignoring them. When we fail in exams, when our boyfriends/girlfriends break up with us, when we lose a lot of money because of investment, when we are unemployed, when we are very ill, it is normal that we feel depressed, powerless, pessimistic. If we do not have sufficient courage, we may want to give up and end up leaping to our death. However, if we are brave, we can summon our strength and try every possible method to overcome hardship. This brings us the opportunity to lead a new life as we do not give up. Also, through all these challenges we learn to be stronger, tougher and we gain wisdom and life experience from them.
參考: own knowledge

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