Driver License Problem

2007-11-01 7:00 pm
I have a USA privilage license, because i am not a American, i dont have SSN, so they offer this special license to me, but i have to renew every year.
If i am below 18, and I am a licensed driver, can i drive the car in Hong Kong?
If yes, what documents should i apply?
If not, list some reasons, or resources in the internet.

So my license issued on 8-20-2007, which means i just got that for 2 months, and my license allows me to drive class D ( sedan, SUV) , and i am a Hong Kong Citizen, is it okay for me to drive? I am confusing the terms

回答 (1)

2007-11-01 9:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The following is extracted from documents published by the Transport Department:
For the direct issue of a Hong Kong driving licence, you must satisfy the Commissioner with documentary evidence that:-
(a) you have a full driving licence (but not an International driving permit) during the past three years issued by one of the following countries or places :--
01 Australia 澳洲 12 Ireland, Republic of 愛爾蘭共和國 28 Switzerland 瑞士
02 Austria 奧地利 13 Israel 以色列 29 Republic of South Africa -- 南非共和國
03 Bangladesh, 孟加拉共和國 14 Italy 意大利 together with S.W. Africa 包括西南非
People’s Republic of 15 Japan 日本 30 United Kingdom, together with -- 英國包括 --
04 Belgium 比利時 16 Korea, Republic of 大韓民國 Alderney (with Channel Islands) 阿爾得尼(及
05 Canada 加拿大 17 Luxembourg 盧森堡 海峽群島)
China, 中華人民共和國 18 Malaysia 馬來西亞 Bermuda 百慕達
People’s Republic of 19 Netherlands 荷蘭 Guernsey 革恩齊
06A The Mainland 大陸 20 New Zealand 紐西蘭 Isle of Man 人島
06B Taiwan 台灣 21 Nigeria 尼日利亞聯邦共和國 Jersey 澤爾西
06C Macau 澳門 Federal Republic of 31 United States of America 美國
07 Denmark 丹麥 22 Norway 挪威
08 Finland 芬蘭 23 Pakistan 巴基斯坦
09 France 法國 24 Portugal 葡萄牙
10 Germany, 德意志聯邦共和國 25 Singapore 新加坡
Federal Republic of 26 Spain 西班牙
11 India 印度 27 Sweden 瑞典
(b) the driving entitlement(s) for which you are applying must be equivalent to the class(es) which are authorized to drive by the issuing country or place; and
(c) your driving licence was obtained by passing the relevant driving test(s) in the issuing country or place; and
(d) you satisfy one of the three requirements below:

(i) the licence was originally issued to you on any date during a period of residence of not less than 6 months in the country or place of issue (you may prove the
six-month residence with the entry and departure stamps on your passport, your school transcript or employer's testimonial with employment period specified.); or
(ii) the licence has been issued to you for not less than 5 years immediately prior to the application; or
(iii) you hold a passport or an equivalent travel document of the country or place in which your licence was issued.

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