
2007-11-01 5:46 pm


回答 (3)

2007-11-02 2:49 am
✔ 最佳答案

I haven't taken Greyhound, however, I had had a 33-hour bus trip. Therefore, taking Greyhound is not a good idea.
1. Immobilze, cannot walk or move;
2. Uncomfortable;
3. Other passengers may take your luggages by mistake;
4. Smell, distribance or harrassment from other passengers;
5. Driver eaily fall asleep travelling on highway;
6. Limited toilet and meal time;
7. Traffic may be affected by the weather condition: snow, rain, hail, etc.
8. Car sickness;
9. Taking pictures from the car, the picture quality is not good because of the window reflexation.

Let me know which city you are going to visit. I may be able to give you some help
參考: Myself, US travelling experiences: San Franscico, LA. New York, Chicago, New Mexico, Florida, Colorado, etc.
2007-11-02 12:49 pm
如果你有三四人同行,最便宜的交通應該是租車。預早訂車有時可以平至 USD40一50一日,除開來是每人USD10-20。 Grey hound 只能在城市之間行走,你到達之後仍然要找本地交通。除New York/ Boston 之外,大部份地方的公共交通都不方便,要去玩很辛苦,時間亦不方便。
2007-11-01 7:09 pm
搭 greyhound 唔係唔好. 不過斬都幾危險 ka. 一來又驚人偷你 D 行李. 因規定乘客要放係車底行李艙 ka ma. 咁佢中間埋站, D 人會自行攞番行李 ka ma. 係呢個時候就會有人偷野 ka lak. 如果你瞓左教. 件行李唔見左都唔知 ka la. 二來, 揸 greyhound 既人. 其實多數都係 partime. 日頭仲有份工 ka. 有 D 根本係外地人 tim! 故唔熟路或"洽"眼瞓都有 ka. 我之前有個同學, 佢係上海去美國讀 U 的. 佢都揸過 greyhound 呀.

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