to my baby..(一篇情信.幫幫我釋英文plz..都難釋架)感激不盡...

2007-11-01 10:34 am
講真.我初初識你果陣其實我對你冇乜印象ga ja.
希望以後既日子我地會開開心心..唔會再嗌交.love you.."


回答 (2)

2007-11-01 7:28 pm
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我諗我地識左都有一年喇 - I think that we have known each other for already one year.

初初識果陣你都唔多同我講野0既 - You didn't talk to me much when I first knew you.
講真.我初初識你果陣其實我對你冇乜印象ga ja - Frankly, you didn't give me much impression when I first met you.

估唔到依家我會同左你一齊 - How amazing. You and I are lovers now.

多謝你比左咁多快樂我. - Thank you for giving me plenty of joy and happiness.

BB.你知唔知我真係好想同你住埋一齊.同你一齊訓教,一齊食飯,一齊返學返工. - Baby, do you know that I really want to be with you all the time and do things together. I want to live with you so that we will sleep together, eat together and go to school and work together.
希望有咁既一日啦 - I really wish that my dream will come true.

我好開心我有左你 - I am so happy that you're my loved one/lover.

希望以後既日子我地會開開心心..唔會再嗌交.love you - I wish that we will continue to have a nice and happy relationship, and will never, ever have fights. I love you.
多謝你比左咁多次機會我去重新同你,一齊重新去愛你.even我做錯過1d野 - Thank you for giving me lots of chances to show my love for you, even after I made bad mistakes.

2007-11-01 11:30:27 補充:
標點符號錯了﹐應該是問號﹐ sorry....:PBB.你知唔知我真係好想同你住埋一齊.同你一齊訓教,一齊食飯,一齊返學返工. - Baby, do you know that I really want to be with you all the time and do things together? I want to live with you so that we will sleep together, eat together and go to school and work together.
參考: 我住在美國。
2007-11-01 11:00 am
I think we know each other for about one year already. You didn't talk much when I first known you. I didn't even remember anything about you at the first few times. I can't believe that we are together now. Thank you very much for all the happiness that you brought me. Baby, do you know how much I want to live with you? Do you know how much I want to sleep, eat, go to school and work together with you? I hope this will come true one day. I am very happy we are together. I hope we will happy ever after without arguement. Love you

Thank you for giving me another chance to be with you and love you even I did something wrong before.
參考: me

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