Les Miserables & Oliver!

2007-11-01 9:16 am

有時又聽到les miserable係孤星淚


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2007-11-05 5:21 am
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Les Miserables 原本叫悲慘世界
但係十年前有一個les miserables的音樂劇來香港演出, 香港人自己作o左個"孤星淚"既名俾佢, 咁以後les miserables 就俾香港人叫做孤星淚
les miserables 作者係法國人, victor hugo, 故事係發生o係法國大革命時期的史詩式故事, 主人翁係jean valjean, 跟據原著作品名"les miserables"既意思係解作很慘, 所以"孤星淚"呢個中文名係極不貼題, 又令人容易搞錯

而oliver 就真係孤雛淚, 作者係英國人charles dickon, 呢套musical 比較兒童向, 始終呢個故事係俾細路仔睇

2007-11-05 12:22:52 補充:
charles dickens至o岩 打錯字sorry
參考: 自己十年睇音樂劇經驗
2007-11-01 3:55 pm
les miserable係孤星淚 and oliver係孤雛淚 -- is true

Les Miserable(1862) a novel by French author Victor Hugo, is a story about the French Revolution

Oliver! is original named Oliver Twist, a British musical, with music and lyrics by Lionel Bart. It is as story about an orphan boy named Oliver Twist.

They are both famous by their same name musical.

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