
2007-11-01 9:12 am
為何瓶裝汽油彈,英文叫做莫洛托夫燃燒瓶(Molotov Cocktail)?這詞語和在二次大戰時的斯大林(Stalin)時代的蘇聯外長莫洛托夫有何關連?是莫洛托夫發明這汽油彈的嗎?

回答 (2)

2007-11-01 3:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
面對蘇聯的侵略,芬蘭人打得相當堅強,他們無論兵力和裝備都劣於蘇軍,尤其是坦克,因此芬蘭人(甚至包括芬蘭共產黨)製造了大量燃燒瓶裝備步兵,此時芬蘭人便將燃燒瓶稱爲“Molotov Cocktail”,用來招待坦克。

2007-11-01 09:02:11 補充:

2007-11-01 21:06:26 補充:
參考: 寫得有點亂,都是憑記憶。
2007-11-01 12:51 pm
i write in english (faster than chinese) , hope you understand my broken english. :)
in world war 2 , nazi german army invade soviet union, that was a hard time
for soviet. at that time. german army was near Leningrad ,kiev ,and went straight to Moscow. those retreating soviet army were loss most of their fire arm.
One day Molotov visit a army in Moscow, those men complain to Molotov about lack of rifle. The leader said to Molotov " we only have one rifle for every five men. Please give us more supply." Mololotov knew the situtation that there are no more supply, he said to the leader "no rifle, tell them to use bottle to fight."
after that, those defender start to use a bottle fill with flammabe liquid. hide in the ruins, wait the German tank drive pass them. then, suddenly raise up behind the tank and push the bottle into the tank's exhaust pipe. if lucky ,the liquid will burn out, the fire will follow the liquid flow into the tank engine and distroy the tank engine. but that person will be immediately shoot to death by the follow german tank or german troops. several ten-thousand russian lost their life in this way in defending Moscow.
參考: stalin's interpreter 回憶錄

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