英文口語 "想約你星期5上來我地公司食蛋糕"

2007-11-01 8:05 am
" 泥緊呢個星期係你生日,

回答 (7)

2007-11-01 8:20 am
✔ 最佳答案

上面的用戶的翻譯有點怪怪的, 我幫你翻譯了﹐ 句子有些改寫﹐ 但意思一樣。

泥緊呢個星期係你生日 - We know that your birthday is coming up this week.
想問你星期5得唔得閒? Are you free on Friday?
想約你星期5上來我地公司食蛋糕" We want to invite you to our company for birthday party (=食蛋糕).

2007-11-01 05:07:05 補充:
Any other suggestion:想約你星期5上來我地公司食蛋糕 = We want to give you a small birthday party (食蛋糕) in our office.
參考: I live and study in the US.
2007-11-02 8:40 am
UK English (informal)
'It's your birthday next week,Would u be free on friday? Come up to our office and have some birthday cake'
2007-11-02 1:00 am
It's your birthday in the coming week.
Would you be free this Friday?
We want to invite you to eat the birthday cake in our office this Friday.
2007-11-01 6:21 pm
The coming Friday is your birthday, if you have time, we would like to invite you to have birthday cake at our office that day.
參考: SELF
2007-11-01 8:15 am
Your birthday is on coming Friday.

Are you free at this day?

We would like to invite you coming to our office to celebrate and eat the birthday cake.

2007-11-01 00:15:45 補充:
sorry... 是 Are you free on this day?
參考: myself
2007-11-01 8:14 am
Your brithday will be coming in next week. Do you free on Fri ? We want to invite you to have a piece of cake at our office.
2007-11-01 8:10 am
Will you be free next week, it's your birthday?
Will you be free on Friday/ Do you have time on Friday?
I want you to invite you to have some cakes at my office.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:17:07
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