men suck dont they?

2007-10-31 6:54 pm
my husband is away from me im in the states.itold him over the phone i miss u so he asked why do u miss me ? he started laughing and said u say u miss me but ur gona go listen to music and dance like nothing what kind of missing is that hahahaha. he started laughing which got me so pissed off im not gona tell him i miss him again.. why do u think he said that? i cant stand him now although he said he was joking im still offended so why?

i said i miss u i dont have to sit and cry for u to prove that i miss u do i<---i should have said this..but why did he say that to me do u know?

回答 (14)

2007-11-02 1:16 pm
Men... this is a typical answer from a husband who is afraid of showing his feelings, so what he does is trying to make a joke, which doesn’t have any grace at all...
But I am sure, that he is feeling lonely as well, but he is too macho to tell you that, so before his feelings overwhelm him he makes this typical joke.
Do not take it too serious, men have their difficulties to show their feelings.
Don’t be to hard with him, you can tell him, that his reaction did hurt you a lot but despite of all you do miss him... but that doesn’t mean, that you will be sitting alone at home 24 hours and commit suicide.
Tell him, that you are looking forward to have him back home again soon.
Women can do better than men!
Don’t hide your feelings…
2007-11-01 1:11 pm
He doesnt sound all that bad. Besides you can generalize men that way. Some of them are unbelievably good.
2007-10-31 10:15 pm
i suggest u to introspect rather than blaming men
2007-10-31 8:04 pm
Girl you need to move on with somebody new because when you tell your boyfriend that you miss him because you really do, you're expressing your true feelings and emotions for him, but if he laughs it off then he basically means that he doesn't care about how you feel for him, and he doesn't feel the same way for you.

You should try talking to him about it face to face whenever he comes back, and if he still tries to make a joke out of it then break up with him.
參考: Future Psychologist/ actress
2007-10-31 8:03 pm
Yupp men do really suck

they suck yo their fullest extent

But your case is however different. He is trying to hide his emotions by simply cracking a joke. so also he wants you to feel lighter and get over it. he was probably trying to chane the subject

So just chillax okay?
參考: it happens everyday with my brother & his wife over the phone
2007-10-31 7:09 pm
Well chances are if he is a soldier, which you didnt say he is or isn't,alot of the other guys g/f's or wives have led a double life while they are away. It only takes so long before he feels that you may be doing this too. Its no justification, but he is probably very insecure about the fact that he really dosnt have a clue what you may be doing, after all, you have needs just like the rest of us........
2007-10-31 7:02 pm
Men and women are two different spieces, they don't think as we women do. As far as your case, I think you husband is not a very sedimental type of person, he thinks he's humorous but obviously you don't see it that way, you're expecting him to say the same thing to you. :) I can also tell he's feeling bad to leave you alone, he's suggesting you may do something fun instead of just missing him at home. ;)
2007-10-31 7:01 pm
You are reading into this too much. You gotta stop being so sensitive. Of course he knows that u missed him genuinely. But he probably cracked that joke to lighten up the atmosphere and make u laugh. I wouldnt want my significant other getting upset coz i'm away. I'd say something to cheer her up. Okay maybe that was a bad joke. From a neutral point of you i feel that you are taking it a little too seriously.
參考: Btw, i dont think your topic heading is appropriate.
2007-10-31 6:58 pm
Men- Can't Live with them
or without them.

John 17:3.
2007-10-31 6:58 pm
hes banging some chick every day and when u say u miss him he avoids the topic by laughing it off and changing the subject because he is uncomfortable

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