How do girls push their men away? what are some things women can do to stop men from leaving them?

2007-10-31 6:31 pm

回答 (5)

2007-11-01 3:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Once you make a decision, stick to it.
2) Take some responsibility for your actions.
3) Stop blaming men for your problems.
2007-10-31 6:36 pm
Stop nagging. Let them be free to be themselves around you. Dont ask a million questions and leave him alone and he will come to you when he is ready.
參考: Men are from mars women are from venus
2007-10-31 6:36 pm
First they should never attempt to make a man into something hes not. Dont date a guy because "well its a good starting point, i just need to fix him up a bit"
Then another important issue is, dont have lots of sex at the start of the relationship, then have almost no sex later and wonder why hes left or is cheating.
2007-10-31 7:10 pm
I have heard a comparison that having a relationship with your boyfriend is like flying a kite, you always keep the string in your hand, sometime let them fly higher and further sometime pull them back closer. ;) I hope it helps.
2007-10-31 7:06 pm
They don't let them have any space---ask a million questions when they go out with their guy friends---nag about every little thing---smother them---act jealous of every woman he talks to--snoops though his stuff---tries to act like his mother---. 2. Make him feel good about himself. Make him laugh. Be his friend.

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