should i leave my husband after 28 years of marrage for someone else?

2007-10-31 6:13 pm
my husband has been cheating once when i had my first child 26 years ago , i thought that was it.. than a few times in the past few years, i thought woman he was with were just friends and i found love letters and trips and condoms we don't use .. than a woman at work.. i went nuts wanted to die for over a year of depression ..he has been nice and treating me well.. for a year ...but now i found a old boyfriend after 34 years ..i love him .. he was never married our kids are grown ..
its scary i am lost in my head and heart

回答 (20)

2007-10-31 6:28 pm
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If you want out, get out. Don't use the "I ran into my old boyfriend" excuse.

It sounds to me like your husband has hurt you deeply, you haven't forgiven him, and now, because he did so much rotten to you, you are "justified" in moving on with your old flame. An old flame you haven't been involved with over the past three decades, know little about, and have no idea if he will bring even worse things to your life.

Involving another person is like getting behind the wheel of a car after drinking. Your perception is screwed up, you can't see clearly, but you're going to risk getting in the driver's seat anyhow!

Examine yourself, your life, your choices. You can't undo any of the past, nor can you bring the good old days from the past into the present. It is not fair for you to involve the old boyfriend in this mess at this time. If you leave your husband, do it for your reasons, NOT what you might have with another person.

I divorced my husband of 15 years because I realized one day that I didn't love him, and he deserved a woman in his life that loved him from her heart. He hurt me, he cheated, I cheated, but in the end, it was ended because I believed that we both deserved true love, and it wasn't there between us.

I am sorry for your hurt. But, you might just make it worse if you end a 28 year marriage for a memory.......Pray about it. You will get an answer.
2007-10-31 6:30 pm
If he's cheated on you then I feel that he has lost all rites where you are concerned.

My mom and dad were married for 27 years. They have now divorced. money/retirement issues She saves it he spends it. I also feel he's cheated on her but she refuses to believe it.

Don't worry about whether there is someone that you like. Look hard at your relationship with your husband. Is it good or bad. Troubled?

Maybe you are scared to branch out on your own. 28 yrs is a long time! It can be daunting to start anew!
2007-10-31 6:21 pm
Quite honestly, I take my hat off to you for staying in the marriage for so long! Your self-image must be shattered by now!

I'd say get out of the marriage, not to run off with someone else, but for your own state of affairs!

If something develops with the old flame later, then great, but do not leave your marriage with all your hopes pinned on the other guy!

Good luck! =D
2007-10-31 6:51 pm
Apparantly you didn't feel you should leave your husband BEFORE you ran into the old flame... sounds to me that you're making an excuse to leave. Your reasons should have been clear to you years ago.
2007-10-31 6:45 pm
You should get out of the marriage because your husband had hurt you so badly and you cannot get over with it, now the kids had grown so it's a good time.

However, I think you had to let the past go away in order to start a new healthy relationship. My advise is clean up the past first before you move on. Don't jump into another relationship right away give yourself some time and space to think carefully first before you start a new page. Good luck.
2007-10-31 6:35 pm
I say go for it. He nice for now until another woman comes a lone and there he go again. He dose it because he know that when he is finished with the other women you will be there to take him back. Its time for you to be happy, leave him cause know matter how much you tell yourself that you forgive him that trust is gone and it is one of the easiest thing to lose and the hardest things to get back. He do not respect you and if he really love you he would not have continued with this type of behavior
2007-10-31 6:23 pm
Don't leave him just to be with someone else, but if he's cheating, do leave him. At this point, ultimatums are useless. And how well do you know your old beau after 34 years.
2007-10-31 6:22 pm
Hunny, you need to worry about yourself. Drop that husband first, get yourself straight, know in your heart and mind that you desevere to be loved and treated well. Then if you want that man you say you truly love go for it. Good luck
2007-10-31 6:20 pm
Take a deep breath- nobody on this website can give you an answer. Only you can. I suggest you see a counselor, I know it may seem lame or whatever, but they will help you realize what that answer may be. Also, ask your children. They may be grown, but they will still be just as hurt if this goes down. Try talking to your husband, most importantly. One of the important factors to a successful marriage is communication. Just tell him what you wrote hear. Unfortunatly, he may not even realize just how much it affects you. If his father or another male in your husband's childhood had this behavior, he may think it is acceptable. Try to work it out, but don't stand for less then you deserve. Good Luck.
2007-10-31 6:16 pm
NOPE!! Loose 28 years...for what... a fireman pin up poster that won't have any heart or brain in his head...stop looking at that green grass on the other side because the moment you step over the line...the grass will turn brown and die..and there is no going back!!

Enjoy the flowers on your own side of the fence. A garden is much better and beautiful when you invest time into it.

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