If you had 2 boys and wanted a girl, but then found out it's another boy....?

2007-10-31 5:48 pm
Would you be disappointed?? Would you try again for a girl?

回答 (13)

2007-10-31 5:53 pm
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you should be happy with whatever GOD blesses you with. be happy you can even get pregnant. there are some people who cant .
if you really want a girl then try again, but dont be disapointed because you were blessed with a boy and not a girl.
2007-10-31 5:52 pm
I'd be happy as long as I had a healthy baby. And I would not try again because for me, three is enough to raise and put through college.
2007-10-31 5:52 pm
It depends on your situation. How badly do you want that little girl? How badly do you want four children regardless of their sex? How many children can you afford not only financially, but physically and emotionally? Highly personal decision! How about rejoicing in the miracles you've been given? I do understand what you're going through though, because I have known several people in that same situation.
2007-10-31 7:48 pm
I had 2 boys and then unexpectedly got pregnant again. Certainly I hoped for a girl and I was a bit disappointed to have another boy. But he was a healthy baby and has been a delight.

In truth, I think I am a better mother of sons than I would have been of daughters. I don't do girly stuff very well so it was probably for the best. Going for another was not an option - my husband had a vasectomy. I wouldn't have wanted to anyway, 3 kids is enough to care for. I do rather enjoy my neices.
2007-10-31 5:57 pm
I'd never be disappointed with the gender of my baby. I'd just be greatful I'm capable of having them and pray that they're healthy.

Before you have another child, were you disappointed that you were having another son? I guess I'd answer that question before I even considered bringing another child into the world.
2007-10-31 5:56 pm
Well - I have two very close friends who are one among five children in their family....one is one of 5 boys and the other is one of 5 girls. Life is what it is.

I had three daughters - and got pregnant a fourth time (unexpectedly) and about keeled over when the doctor announced "it's a boy". SHOCK!

There should be no disappointment because boy or girl it's your child.
2007-10-31 5:54 pm
I'm in the opposite situation. I have two girls. We are planning one more.

If I had another girl would I be disappointed? Maybe a little but...I love my little girls! And to tell you the truth I'm not sure what I would do with a little boy now that I have my girls.

This time we aren't finding out the sex. Let it be a suprise.

We will stop regardless if we get a boy or girl. My mom's boss had 6 boys just trying to get a girl. So you should never have a bunch of kids just for a certain sex. Have a bunch of kids because YOU want a bunch! IF I were rich I'd love to keep popping them out but since I'm not we will only have three. And we will be happy regardless of their sex.
參考: Mother of Two girls
2007-10-31 5:53 pm
I wouldn't be disappointed at all. Maybe you weren't meant to have a girl, who knows. What if you try again and its another boy, then you have 4 boys running around. Sometimes we cannot control fate. So if you want another child boy or girl, then i say go for it, if you can't handle another (boy or girl) then don't cause chances are high it could be another boy. However, if you do feel like really trying again for a girl, you might want to look into the theories on the timing, temperature etc that scientists and doctors have posted thinking it controls whether you have a boy or girl, it would be worth the try.
2007-10-31 5:53 pm
Hahaha.... I have two boys and just found out that I am having another boy. I feel bad for feeling a bit dissapointed, i really wanted this one to be a girl. But hey, boys are cute and someone told me that I am blessed and so are you.

I would wait until the baby is at least 2 years old before deciding to try for another. Adopting a little girl is also an option. but not sure at this point.
2007-10-31 5:52 pm
What if it's another boy? Will you be more disappointed? Think positive, all the boys will bring back three daughters (in law) later. So it's not too bad afterall! :)

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