My mom doesn't want me to have sex?

2007-10-31 5:33 pm
I just recently got into a relationship, and at the first stages of the relationship my mom talked to me about sex. Well, not really talked about it...She TOLD me to not have sex. Period. She didn't even ask me what my views on sex were. The first few times she said it in a nice way, as if she's pleading. I said, "Sure mom, I am still a virgin and I actually plan on not having sex until after marriage." That kept her quiet for a bit, but after a few weeks she just goes telling me ALL THE TIME to not have sex. And it's not in a nice way. It's more like she's ordering me to not have sex, as if she has the right to make those decisions for me. WTF? It's freakin annoying, and its making me want to have sex just so I could show her that she can't boss me around like that. I just either nod my head or grunt or say "uh huh". I am 22 years old and I feel like she's wanting to control how my relationship with my boyfriend goes.

Anyway, my views on sex totally changed now and I am in love, so I lost my virginity and made love to my boyfriend before I'm married (with protection!). Btw, I didn't have sex just to prove a point to my mom, I did it out of love for my boyfriend. Do you think my mom is being too controlling, or invasive in my relationship? I certainly think so! I hope I'm not the only one who thinks like that.

回答 (16)

2007-10-31 5:38 pm
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Yes, I believe she is being way to over protected! you are 22 yrs. old, you have your own beliefs, and your own life, do what you want. When mothers tell us things, they do it for our best interest, we might not agree with it, they do it cause they care. I understand you being mad, shoot, your 22... Live your life for you, not for anyone else! Good luck on this!
2007-11-01 8:38 pm
sex and relation is quiet different . before marriage sex is a crime . if u are married . Then u will get permission to do that. we are living in a society and our indian culture does not give permission to do that. Your mom is elder and experience about sex. if u decided to marriage the same boy and have register in register office because in future if the boy deny to accept u then what will happen your future.
參考: experience
2007-11-01 12:58 am
well theres no question here..u are 22 u are an adult! what u like. but she is right though. but take her advice into consideration atleast..even if u still live with her..u should respect her advice and dont let it go through one ear and out another type of thing. but if u live on ur own then she is way out of hand and cant tell u wat to do..if u have sex its ur business and at ur own risk..cuz its ur life. but mothers do know best!! just be careful
參考: truth
2007-11-01 12:48 am
Wow before I read this I was assume you were maybe a young teenager...but at 22 she really has no right (guess she's very religious)...glad you used protection and hopefully your first time was enjoyable and you weren't thinking of your mother while you were doing it LOL
2007-11-01 12:46 am
When you first started saying that your mom doesn't want you to have sex, I thought you were a teenager. But you're 22? Yeah, if you're 22 and your mom is telling you not to have sex, that is being overprotected. At this point, she should trust that if you do decide to have sex you know what you are doing. You are old enough to know all the consequences and crap. She's trying to protect her daughter, but you're not a little girl anymore.
2007-11-01 12:45 am
Your mom is a little consevative, but I hope you really understand that all she want is to protect you and don't want to see you getting hurt. She probably don't know your boyfriend very well yet. It takes time to built up trust, you should let her know your boyfriend a bit more and as soon as she build up the confidience, everything will become smoother. Let your mom know you're 22 yr-old, you're old enough to make your own decision, and be resposible for yourself. Eventually she'll comes around and understand.
2007-11-01 12:43 am
Maybe your mom made a big mistake when younger that you don't even know about.
Your old enough to make your own decisions, and she's still treating you like a child or maybe had hopes she'd produced a NUN?? ;-)
2007-11-01 12:43 am
I don't think your mom is controling you. Perhaps you just dont have a heart to heart talk with your mom. She's just trying to protect you and you might dont know what's bother her when she says that to you. Just try to understand her after all if you get astray (hope not),it's her will be by your side and no one else.
2007-11-01 12:42 am
Even though what your mom says is correct, she has to give you space and let you live her life. She should have confidence in you to know that you would not have unprotected sex, which i am sure she has told you all about since you were growing up. I'm sure you and boyfriend are level-headed adults who knows the pros and cons of having unprotected sex.
2007-11-01 12:41 am
If you are 22 years old, then yes your mom is being very controlling, but she probably cares a lot about you and she, sounds like my mom. She has old-fashioned values. She wants you to be a lady, and it's likely she believe that if you have sex before marriage you will be branded as "easy" or worse, and your boyfriend will never want to marry you. Now, all that said, you are 22 years old, so stop worrying so much about what your mother has to say. You are an adult now, and you make your own decisons. Your mothers had many years to teach you values, and it's time for you to grow up.

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