
2007-11-01 7:29 am

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2007-11-01 5:49 pm
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馬鈴薯如何出生? By vegetative propagation.
The potatoes we eat are tubers. Potatoes are underground, starch-storing stems. The eyes, or buds, on one potato can develop into several identical new plants through vegetative propagation. The starch stored in the potato or tuber provides food for the new plant until it develops its own root system.

Learn more on Vegetative Propagation --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegetative_reproduction

Vegetative reproduction is a type of asexual reproduction found in plants also called vegetative propagation or vegetative multiplication. It is a process by which new plant "individuals" arise or are obtained without production of seeds or spores. It is both a natural process in many plant species (including organisms that may or may not be considered "plants&;quot;, such as bacteria and fungi) and one utilized or encouraged by horticulturists to obtain quantities of economically valuable plants.

Natural vegetative reproduction is mostly a process found in herbaceous and woody perennial plants, and typically involves structural modifications of the stem, although any horizontal, underground part of a plant (whether stem or a root) can contribute to vegetative reproduction of a plant. And, in a few species (such as Kalanchoë shown at right), leaves are involved in vegetative reproduction. Most plant species that survive and significantly expand by vegetative reproduction would be perennial almost by definition, since specialized organs of vegetative reproduction, like seeds of annuals, serve to survive seasonally harsh conditions. A plant that persists in a location through vegetative reproduction of individuals over a long period of time constitutes a clonal colony.

In a sense, this process is not one of "reproduction" but one of survival and expansion of biomass of the individual. When an individual organism increases in size via cell multiplication and remains intact, the process is called "vegetative growth". However, in vegetative reproduction, the new plants that result are new individuals in almost every respect except genetic. And of considerable interest is how this process appears to reset the aging clock.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:17:00
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