英文past tense

2007-11-01 4:54 am
use the present perfect tense or the simple past tense
The police _____the robber. they are still looking for him. (not catch)
hurry up. You still ________the beds.The guests will arrive soon.(not make)
____________snakes before? no, I haven't. (you/eat)
請幫忙我唔明點分present perfect tense and simple past tense

回答 (3)

2007-11-01 5:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
The police did not catch the robber. They are still looking for him.
Hurry up. You still have not make the beds. The guests will arrive soon.
Have you eat snakes before?No,I haven't.

Simple Past tense(the form of a word used to describe actions in the past)
Present Perfect tense(the form of a word that expresses an action done in a time period up to the present)
參考: me,oxford dictionary
2007-11-01 5:39 am
1.did not catch 2.do not make 3.did you eat
2007-11-01 5:02 am
have not caught
have not made
Have you eaten

present perfect is used when a sentence does not show exact past time.
in contrast, past tense is used when you know the past time.
參考: ME

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