法國讀法文, 只記得少少法文單字,會否有問題?法文老師會否用英文輔助教導

2007-11-01 4:01 am
我10 多年前讀法文, 忘記了法文文法.只記得少少法文單字和讀音, 下個月去想去法國讀法文初班一個月, 我恐怕讀的學校全法文教授,同班的外國同學隨時不是說英文,聽會有好大困難. 有無人試過?
(1) 知否在法國讀法文, 法文老師會否用英文輔助教導?
(2) 只記得少少法文單字和讀音, 會否不能跟得上?
(3) 搭車去街會否有問題? 問路法國人會否肯用英文回答?
(4) 去尼斯 ,還是 巴黎讀好些?
(5) 去尼斯 ,還是 巴黎讀易些明?

回答 (2)

2009-09-14 3:18 am
How about learning french in Dijon?
2007-11-01 12:45 pm
1. I don't know French. But I'm studying German in Austria. I did not know any words in German. During the classes, teacher only spoke German, no English. As you have said, not all students speak English. But she tried to make sure you understand. She repeated again and again. I think it's the same in all language schools.
3. I have been in Paris. It's easy to use the Metro.
4. It's better to learn a language in the capital of that country. There are different accents in different areas.
參考: my study experience

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