F.2英文 thx(有20分)

2007-11-01 3:35 am
我想問present continuous同present simple要係邊到用?
talking anout future又有兩個(is/am/are+ing同s,es,唔要加),呢兩個又用係邊?


回答 (2)

2007-11-03 8:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Present Continuous and present simple 大致上都是現在既時態。


(過去) > (現在) > (將來)。

Past > Present > Future

之後,引述到 Past Continuous / Present Continuous / Past Perfect Continuous / Present Perfect Continuous / Future ( Perfect ) ( Continuous )。

簡單咁講,Present Continuous 係現在進行緊,如"食緊飯" - I am eating.。不過鬼佬仲諗多少少就係 用 ( is / am / are + ing ) 做 Future Form,如 I am going to meet you tomorrow. 就係Future Form既用法,意思就比 will + verb 強一o的。你有o左計劃之後,你先會用( is / am / are + ing )。例子:

I will meet you tomorrow. 有60% - 75% 我會見你。

I am going to meet you tomorrow. 有 75% 以上我會見你。



*Present progressive - General principles*

The present progressive is a version of the present which emphasizes the fact that an action is still unfolding (or is continuing) at the time one speaks. It is formed by using the auxilary "to be" with the present participle:

I am working.
He is eating his dinner.
The cat is meowing.

*Future progressive*

The future progressive serves to express an action which will be in the process of occurring. It is formed by putting the present progressive into the future: will be + present participle.

I will be waiting for you at six o'clock.
He will be eating by the time you arrive.

*Nouns - Plurals*

As a general rule, the plural is formed by adding -s to the singular form of nouns.

shoe --> shoes
book --> books
river --> rivers
Nouns ending in "s" or "s" will generally take the ending -es :

bus --> buses
kiss --> kisses
Words ending in "y" will generally take the ending -ies in place of the "y":

party --> parties
supply --> supplies


2007-11-03 11:50:50 補充:
Present Simple 又似無 ?? 唔係好明你問什麼。

Present Simple / Passive 都係現在式。不要想得太多了,時態只係一個表達時間既方法。我o地唔用時態,其實都會明白其意思,不過英文這語言就係咁。努力 ! :)
參考: Copyright Ultralingua 2002
2007-11-01 5:30 am
Present Countinuous is to describe an action in the present time and is continuing while we speak. As the example you use, my father works in Poland and is still working in Poland while we speak.

Simple Present is to describe the action in the immediate present time. For example, she wrties novel for a living. Your second sentence is not a simple present tense.

Your last question is an action in the immediate present therefore the Simple Present is used.

For example, I see you next month (in this moment you tell what you will do next month) or I see you in weekend.

I hope you can understand the difference between Present Continuous and Simple Present after my explanation and example.

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