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2007-11-01 3:32 am
Pat and Sheena Wheaton have been frustrated by rules in New Zealand banning names that begin with a number.
Mum and Dad decided to call their son 4Real after seeing an ultrasound image of him. It was then they realised that their baby was "for real".

The name might sound more like a comedian's catchphrase or a fruit juice, but the Wheatons were deadly serious.


Sadly for them, the authorities in New Zealand did not share their enthusiasm for the unusual - their choice was rejected by the country's registrar of births, deaths and marriages.


The rules state that first names starting with a number are not allowed. The law also advises parents to avoid names that could cause their child to be teased or made fun of.


Undeterred, the Wheatons now plan to call their newborn son Superman. 1.what do you think parents should consider about when they name their children?why?? 最好help我答埋!

回答 (3)

2007-11-01 11:11 pm
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Pat and Sheena Wheaton have been frustrated by rules in New Zealand banning names that begin with a number.
新西蘭禁止國民取名時以數字開頭. 柏德.韋頓 (Pat Wheaton) 和妻子辛娜 (Sheena) 就是一對為此禁令而苦惱的夫婦.
Mum and Dad decided to call their son 4Real after seeing an ultrasound image of him. It was then they realised that their baby was "for real".
這對父母通過超聲波看見腹中的男嬰時, 由於深深地感到小生命誕生的真實感, 決定為他取名 "4Real", 意思是"真實", 開頭的數字"4"是英文字"for"的諧音

The name might sound more like a comedian's catchphrase or a fruit juice, but the Wheatons were deadly serious.
這個名字聽來比較像搞笑藝人的口頭禪, 也像某種果汁品牌, 可是韋頓夫婦對此名字卻是萬分認真的.
Sadly for them, the authorities in New Zealand did not share their enthusiasm for the unusual - their choice was rejected by the country's registrar of births, deaths and marriages.
很可惜, 新西蘭當局並對他們這種標奇立異的做法並不贊同, 出生登記, 死亡登記和婚姻登記都不接受這個名字.
The rules state that first names starting with a number are not allowed.

The law also advises parents to avoid names that could cause their child to be teased or made fun of.
因為法例規定, 不可以用數字開頭作為人的命名, 法例並敦促父母為子女取名時, 注意不要取一些容易讓他們被人恥笑的名字.
Undeterred, the Wheatons now plan to call their newborn son Superman.

1.what do you think parents should consider about when they name their children?why??
可是韋頓夫婦不甘就範, 他們已決定為兒子起名為"Superman", 即"超人".
你認為父母為子女取名時應該考慮甚麼因素? 請說明.

2007-11-02 09:28:09 補充:
Answer to the question:I think parents should choose for their children names that are easy to spell and pronounce. A name that is too difficult to spell and pronounce may become an obstacle in the child's social life in future.
2007-11-02 2:43 am

媽媽和爸爸決定以他們的兒子4Real命名看見一幅他的超音波圖像。 然後他們意識到他們的嬰兒"認真"。


傷心對他們,在紐西蘭的當局沒分享他們對不平常的熱情 - 國家的誕生,死和婚姻的註冊員拒絕了他們的選擇。


傷心對他們,在紐西蘭的當局沒分享他們對不平常的熱情 - 國家的誕生,死和婚姻的註冊員拒絕了他們的選擇。



2007-11-01 18:47:14 補充:
2007-11-01 3:47 am
輕拍和光亮的麥子 由規則挫敗了在紐西蘭取締從數字開始的名字。 媽咪和爸爸決定告訴他們的兒子4 真正在看超聲波圖像以後的他。這是他們然後意識到, 他們的嬰孩是"為真正" 。 名字也許聽起來更多像喜劇演員的口頭禪或果汁, 但麥子是致命嚴肅的。 哀傷地為他們, 當局在紐西蘭沒有分享他們的熱情為異常- 他們的選擇是rejectee 由誕生、死亡和婚姻的國家的管理員。 規則闡明, 名字從數字開始不被允許。 法律勸告父母避免能導致他們的孩子被戲弄的名字或並且嘲笑。 未確定, 麥子現在計劃告訴他們的新出生兒子超人。 1. 您認為什麼父母應該考慮當他們說出他們的孩子名字? 為什麼??

2007-10-31 19:48:16 補充:

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