
2007-11-01 1:47 am
how to use the,a,an?
answer it in chinese!!!

回答 (7)

2007-11-01 1:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
The, a, an 是article.

你用"the "當你要指明某一樣物件,
eg: The cat is mine.

eg: Could you borrow me a pen?

"an "的用法和"a"一樣,
但"an "是用在由母音(vowel: a,e,i,o,u)開始的字
eg: an umbrella (一把傘), an egg (一隻蛋)
參考: 自己
2007-11-01 3:20 am
The word the is the only definite article of the English language. The is the most common word in the English language.

The article the is used in English as the very first part of a noun phrase. For example:

The end of time begins now.
Here "the end of time" is a noun phrase. The use of the signals that the reference is to a specific and unique instance of the concept (such as person, object, or idea) expressed in the noun phrase. Here, the implication is that there is one end of time, and that it has arrived.

The time is 3:29 PM.
There are many times, but the meaning here is the time now, of which (at the moment the sentence was produced) there is only one.


A and an function as the indefinite forms of the grammatical article in the English language and can also represent the number one. An is the older form (related to one, cognate to German ein etc), now used before words starting with a vowel sound (or a syllabic consonant), regardless of whether the word begins with a vowel letter. Examples: a light-water reactor; an LWR; a sanitary sewer overflow; an SSO; a HEPA filter (because HEPA is pronounced as a word rather than as letters); a hypothesis; an hour; a unicorn.

a/an 用来表示这个冠词后面的名词是指某一类特定事物中的一个,但具体是哪一个并不重要
參考: sor, not much chi
2007-11-01 2:55 am
the---用係專名詞到(eg:the sun)
或指定ge物件(eg:The book which on the table is yuors) 亦可用係動物到(eg:The dog is sleeping)
但係就吾可以用係人名到(eg:The Ivy)

a---用尼表明一個物件(eg:There is a book on the table)
或動物(eg:There is a dog) 又係吾可以用係人名到(eg:A Peter)

an--用係響音字前--a,e,i,o,u (eg:An orange)
同樣係吾可以用係人名到(eg:An Ivy)
同埋有個特別ge 字--hour
係用an 吾用a
因為hour ge h吾發音
所以hour係用an (eg:An hour)
參考: 自己
2007-11-01 2:15 am
ast. def: 這, 那; 這(個),那(個), 這些, 那些
ie: The boy 這個男孩
形容詞,副詞 def: 越...越... , 更加, 更有
ie: the more the better 越多越好

A 和 An
art. def: 一, 每一, 某一, 任一, 一位, 一個
字的第一個英文字母如果是A, E, I, O, 或者U 用 an
其餘的字用 a
參考: me
2007-11-01 1:58 am
a use in 一樣物件,an also use in 一樣物件,不過一定要(a,e,i,o,u),the is 重複a的物件.
參考: 我
2007-11-01 1:57 am
The 係指明或專有的名詞,例如 :The Sun
A 係用於普通的單一名詞,例如: A Man
An係用於前面有響音的字, a,e,i,o,u 例如: An apple
2007-11-01 1:54 am
an---這件物品只有一個,而這件物品是a,e,i,o,u字開頭(eg. apple)
the---全世界只有一個(eg.太陽), 或在上文曾經說過的物品

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