grade 7 aural...((超急!!聽日考!T_T)

2007-11-01 1:09 am
我聽日要考grade 7琴
part c同d仲要無練過
PART D佢會問咩?


回答 (3)

2007-11-01 1:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Part A:
Listen to the lower part of a two part phrase played by the examiner.
Part B:
To sing a short melody from score, accompanied by a lower part by the examiner,
Part C:
(i)To identify the perfect cadence(V-I/s-d), imperfect cadence(IV-I/f-d),an d the interrupted cadence(V-VI/s-l).
(ii)To identify the chords forming the above cadence as tonic, subdominant, dominant,dominant seventh or submediant in root position, or tonic in second inversion.
(iii)To identify a short passage whether it modulates to its dominant(V), subdominant(IV), or relative minor.
Part D:
The following information may be of help to you:
Baroque Period:
dynamics: not so much contrast,
articulation: semi staccato in long notes,legato in fast notes,
harmony: used part-writing,
texture: simple and polyphonic ;
rhythm: semiquavers,quavers, crotchets,minims,sem ibreves and dotted rhythms,
form: mostly AABB ,
tempo: can be very fast,medium or very slow,
melody and tonality: used major or minor scales,
structure and style: polyphonic, ie. several melodies forming different parts of the music,
composers:Bach, Handel,Vivaldi, Scarlatti etc.
Classical Period
dynamics: some contrasts in different parts,
articulation: legato,staccato,
harmony:non part-writing,usually one melody is founded, favoured the use of 'alberti bass'(dsms) ;
texture: rather rich;
rhythm:quavers, semiquavers, crotchets, minims, semibreves, dotted rhythms.
form :ABA form or Sonata form;
tempo: can be very slow,medium or fast
melody :only one part/line of the music serves as melody,
tonality: major and minor scales,
structure and style: homophonic,
composers:Haydn, Beethoven, Mozart.

Romantic Period
dynamics: greater contrasts,
articulation: mostly legato , favoured the use of pedal
harmony : some appearance of chromatic chords,
texture : rich and sonorous,
rhythm: quavers, semiquavers are often seen,
form : don't have much emphasis on form,
tempo : fast, moody, romantic,
melody : usually lies on one part,
tonality : major and minor scales with some chromatic notes and modulations,
structure and style : much more chromatic notes, ornaments appeared than the Classical Period
composers : Chopin, Brahms, Tsaichovsky, Lizst etc.
20th Century

dynamics : much greater contrasts with sudden sounds appeared,
articulation : more fast and staccato notes than ever,
harmony:successive appearance of chromatic and dissonant chords can be seen,
texture : not as rich as before, some of them are very thin,
rhythm : some syncopations appeared,
form: not so important as before,
tempo : suddenly fast and suddenly slow,
melody : not so obvious,
tonality: no longer use the major and minor scale systems,
structure and style: very chromatic, some of the music are even atonal;
composers: Debussy,Scheonberg,B artok, Webern etc.

參考: my own writing, please do not copy
2007-11-01 1:50 am
一定會有sight-reading 即係視奏 即場俾d譜你彈

2.唱歌: a.佢會俾譜你 叫你唱番高音果part出黎
b.佢會彈一段野俾你聽 聽完之後唱番低音出黎

3.oral :
佢彈段樂章俾你聽 聽完之後就要講番首歌既時期[分為4個:巴羅克、古典、浪漫、二十世紀]同該時期既作曲家、特性等..然後又要將樂章其中一段用手拍番個節奏出黎 or

彈段樂章俾你聽 聽完之後就要講番首歌屬於乜野舞曲、特性....
2007-11-01 1:35 am
1.一定會有sight-reading 即係視奏 即場俾d譜你彈

2.唱歌: a.佢會俾譜你 叫你唱番高音果part出黎
b.佢會彈一段野俾你聽 聽完之後唱番低音出黎

3.oral :
佢彈段樂章俾你聽 聽完之後就要講番首歌既時期[分為4個:巴羅克、古典、浪漫、二十世紀]同該時期既作曲家、特性等..然後又要將樂章其中一段用手拍番個節奏出黎 or

彈段樂章俾你聽 聽完之後就要講番首歌屬於乜野舞曲、特性....

仲會考終止式同大調 都係一d要答問題既野 詳情好難話俾你知

2007-10-31 18:09:55 補充:
參考: 自己

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