3328 交通銀行年尾 / 下年目標價如何 ?

2007-10-31 11:57 pm
我係新手, 以 14.24 買左二手.
呢隻股的目標價係幾多 ? 應該看中線或是長線 ? 謝謝~

回答 (3)

2007-11-06 7:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
(3328)交通銀行, 經匯豐兩次增持後, 現時匯豐持有交行93.81億股, 若要把持股量增至近20%水平, 便需在市場再吸納約4.17億股, 可持有, 目標價錢16.00

希望我提供的資料可幫到你. 並珍惜好問題和回答者心血, 不宜放棄或棄置問題, 令網友們從中切磋研究. 感激!!
2007-11-02 1:47 am
I tell u what, even though this is a good share, you are entering in a very wrong timing, the price of this share is going to drop very soon, you better expect you need to wait for a very long time. Also, the management of this bank have rumous that having an internal sex affair with a famous model. SO, you better watch out! Imgine that your mother always have conflict with your father because he's always going for protitition, will your family be healthy, this is exactly the same case. If I were you, I will sell this share tomorrow, and buy todays top share 1132.
參考: HSBC management
2007-11-01 9:25 am

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