
2007-10-31 11:48 pm
我諗住係日本網站買野, 但佢只接受paypal, 我有幾個問題想問:
1. 我想問如果我用paypal俾錢, 佢會唔會收我手續費呢
2. 我已經開左a/c, 亦都add左張credit card資料, 咁過數時credit card係咪又會另外再收手續費呢? 如果會的話, 係咪add個bank a/c落去, 係bank a/c到直接過數, 咁會唔駛俾手續費呢?
3. 另外, 佢有個 "擴展使用" 係咩黎呢? 唔申請得唔得呢?

回答 (1)

2007-11-01 12:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
if you use paypal buy from Japan
1. Some shop will charge paypal handling charge from you, subjust the total amound
2. paypal only accepte the creadit card account and handling charge subjust to your bank requir or not.
3. this function for ebay saler

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