
2007-10-31 10:22 pm

回答 (2)

2007-11-01 12:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
Two meaning can be interpreted:
The word "month" means one-twelve of a year, which means that you two still need much more time to overcome problems and grow.
The word "moon" can be interpreted as the four state of the moon, which means that the love of you two will fluctuate and change depends on the presence of other factors. So, input more and take every change to make good of your relationship when "the moon is in full", and only you two will know about the right time, no one can help.
2007-11-01 5:54 pm
'月' 字為 '朋' 字之一半, 即不足為朋.

又你在月底(31-10-2007)測一'月'字, '月'字本無底, 所以沒下文.

又'月'字為太陰, 為女性, 只有'月'而沒有'日' (太陽代表男性). 即最後只得一個女, 沒有結果的姻緣.

2007-11-02 10:01:19 補充:
另'月老'亦主為姻緣牽紅線, '月'字尚欠一'老'以完姻緣夢. 所以一'老'將是你姻緣的貴人.

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