what is the probability?

2007-10-31 4:37 am
52 cards hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades. each having 13 face (ace 1 2 3 ... 10) jack, queen and king. you will receive first two cards from the deck without replacement.

a. what is the probability that both cards are queens?
b. what is the probability that the first card is a 10 and the second card is a 5 or 6?
c. if you were sampling with replacement, what would be the answer in (a)?
d. in the game of blackjack, the picture cards (jack, queen, king) count as 10 points and the ace counts as either 1 or 11 points. all other cards are counted at their face value. blackjack is a achieved if your two cards total 21 points. what is the probability of getting blackjack in this problem?

回答 (4)

2007-10-31 4:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
a. First card being a queen: 4/52
Second card being a queen: 3/51
4/52 * 3/51 = 1/221

b. First card being a 10: 4/52
Second card 5 or 6: 8/51
4/52 * 8/51 = 8/663

c. First card being a queen: 4/52
Second card being a queen: 4/52
4/52 * 4/52 = 1/169
2007-10-31 11:51 am
a) 4/52 times 3/51 = 1/221
b) 4/52 times 8/51 = 8/663
c) 4/52 times 4/52 = 1/169
d) You've gotta include a 10 with the jack, queen and king also.
16/52 times 4/51 = 16/663
2007-10-31 11:49 am
a. the probability is 2/52 = 1/26
b. the probability of first card to be 10 is 1/13, and the probability of second card to be 5 or 6 is 2/13
2007-10-31 11:43 am
a. (4/52)*(3/51) (1Q out of deck)*(1Q out of deck less one card)
b. (4/52)*(8/51) (1[10] out of deck)*(1[5 or 6] out of deck less one card)
c. (4/52)*(4/52) (1Q out of deck)*(1Q out of deck)
d. (4/52)*(16/51) (1A out of deck)*(1[10,J,Q, or K] out of deck less one card)


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