How do I get to HongKong and Macau FROM Guangzhou?

2007-10-30 8:50 am
I'm going separately to HK and another day to Macau, but my starting point will always be Guangzhou. Can anyone please advise me RE the exact bus or train to take, and how much would it cost, and the directions to the ride to take?
Im reading Lonely Planet and they keep indicating I need travellers checks. Are there no money changers in Guangzhou? I plan to just bring US$ with me (and a card), will changing money be a problem in Guangzhou?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!

To James S: This might surprise you but not everyone is a "world traveler". There's nothing wrong with wanting information from seasoned travelers. (Of which you cant possibly be part of. Are you just bitter because you dont go anywhere?) Id rather ask because I dont know the answer than pretend that I do. What a weird reaction. This was a question for information, not for an opinion if Ive been everywhere. Did it ever occur to you that people ask questions they dont know answers to? You are not an asset to anyone.


James S: You can't even spell. It's Damn, not dam...Were you looking in a mirror when you were writing "dam-fool"... You wasted your parents' money when they paid for your tuition.

回答 (4)

2007-10-30 9:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
honestly, going to macau from china is hard, y many people there doesnt no how to speak in english,, so ull had a hard tym comunicating with them... if you know how to speak mandarin so it will be helpful.... 1000 usd is enuf already, since we have frnds to visit there... but if you dnt have 2000 usd will do, try to book in advance so u'll nt having a harding cheking-in since peak season is now pas approaching.. BUS fair may cause you 6 mop or rmb, and above.. train??? dunno, HONGKONG?? you'll travel using MTR, or a bus... taxi is expnsve than those transportation vhicle.. 15 hkd is the starting meter amount.. so if dont really know where u'll go to an specific place u'll be spending lots of money in TRANSPORTATION ONLY... MACAU is a small country 5 mop riding in a BUS, TAXI d same in MACAU.. ATTENTION... dont use CREDIT CARD IN MACAU san malo, because lots of HACKERS that might hack your credit cards... use it in hongkong, and other establshments such as giordano, bosini,, but not in restaurant and unknown establshmnts.. BEWARE OF HACKERS>> hongkong i think is safer than macau,
money CHANGER?? try to compare one to another, if they saw your a foreigner they might fool in in any way.. have fun.. i really dunno the price, amount in riding.. fare fERRY? RANGING 135 hkd and above.. HONGKONG DOLLARS usd CHINA MONEY rmb MACAU MONEY mop
2007-11-01 3:46 am
Do you really have to go back to Guangzhou first before you go to anothe destination? Cos the easiest and cheapest way will be from Guangzhou, you can either go by plane/ direct train (I think only 2 hours)/coaches to Hong Kong, then from Hong Kong you can get those Express ferry (45mins) to Macau, then from Macau you go from Gongbei (Not sure the spelling) back to Guangzhou (they should have bus but sorry don't know the price for that).
2007-10-30 10:15 pm
You have the options of all. Travller checks are uncommon these days. You can change money to local currency at big hotels if you are a guest there or goto the banks in Guangzhou. You can use card to withdraw from ATMs.

to Macau the only option are coaches and HK(trains and coaches).

macau is not a country but a SAR of China.
And yeah macau casinos is full of hackers
2007-10-30 5:21 pm
What on earth are you doing on the road Joeyboy???? Such a dam-fool question can only mean that you ought to have stayed home. If you find it hard to get from Canton to HK or Macau, how are you going to get ANYWHERE ??!!!

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