(急call)past continuous tense同simple past嘅分別

2007-10-31 4:33 am

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2007-10-31 10:56 pm
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Simple Past (過去式)

Simple Past Tense 是表達一個過去及已經結束的動作,而這個動作必須給予一個清楚的時間。簡單而言,就是如果我們在知道時間的情況下,我們會用 Past Tense,相反如果不知道時間,我們會用 Present Perfect (continuous)Tense,或 Past Perfect (Continuous)Tense,視乎情況。

就是當我們把一些消息或新聞(News)告訴別人時,我們會用 Present Perfect Tense 說那件是什麼事,再以 Past Tense 細說那事件裡的細節。

E.g.:My brother has got a reply. He received the letter yesterday afternoon. It was mailed by DHL.
E.g.:I have had a meeting with Jill, it was great, we enjoyed so much.

注意:上述那兩件事用 Present Perfect Tense 的兩句句子,需要有一個先決條件,就是沒有點明時間(i.e.:不會用到 Past Tense 的時間副詞)。

End of this part----

Past Continuous Tense (過去進行式)

它的用法與 Present Continuous Tense 相同,只是時態是過去式罷了。
E.g.:I saw Miss Tam yesterday. She was waiting for a bus.

其次,當我們講故事時,都會用 Past Continuous Tense 來描述故事背景,以其他 Past Tenses 來表達事件及動作。
E.g.:I was waiting for a bus. Suddenly I saw a black car stop in front of a bank. Some men got out of the car and rushed into the bank. Soon I heard…

End of this part----
2007-10-31 4:40 am
Simple Past Tense


例:I did the work yesterday.

Past Continuous Tense﹝過去進行時態﹞


was / were + 動詞的現在分詞



He was sleeping when I saw him yesterday.
When he came, I was reading the magazine.
Where were you going when I saw you yesterday?

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