請問 AL/AS Maths&Stat, App Maths 同 Pure Maths讀ge野有咩唔同?

2007-10-31 2:37 am
請問 AL/AS Maths&Stat, App Maths 同 Pure Maths讀ge野有咩唔同?

回答 (3)

2007-10-31 3:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
pure 冇as
m&s 冇al

applied maths al同as的分別在於al要讀埋mechanic (physics方面)而as唔駛
applied maths除mechanic以外仲有機會率、integration方面等等


而pure就係中4,5的amaths深化版 所以中4,5 amaths學到o既野+埋matrice同complex number(類似中4, 5的vector)... 感覺上冇數漏=.=.. 掛
2007-11-02 2:16 am
pure 冇as
m&s 冇al

applied maths ASL 仲有 differential equation!
2007-10-31 3:51 am
補充樓上,applied maths ASL 仲有 differential equation!

2007-10-30 19:53:23 補充:
and numerical method which is used to approximate the value of integration(or finding roots) ,since some of the f(x) is complicited

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