我有些 F.1 maths 唔識做(3)

2007-10-31 1:37 am
Please explain and give way to do this !

Suppose a test paper with a maximum mark of 100 has 10 question carrying equal marks . 5 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer and 2 marks deducted for a blank answer . Find the total marks a student could get with 4 correct and 2 wrong answers .

The length of a football pitch in a stadium exceeds its width by 37m . If its perrimeter is 364m , find the dimensions of the pitch .

Help me please ! 感激不盡!

要解釋!!! and 方法!!!

回答 (5)

2007-10-31 1:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Since there are 10 questions. Therefore the number of blank answers = 10 - 4 - 2 = 4.
The total marks a student could get = 5 x 4 + (-5) x 2 + (-2) x 4 = 2.

The length of a football pitch in a stadium exceeds its width by 37m . If its perrimeter is 364m , find the dimensions of the pitch .

2. Let k be the length of the football pitch.
Then, its width = k - 37.
The perimeter = 2 x (length + width) = 364
=> 2 x (k + k - 37) = 364
=> 4k - 74 = 364
=> 4k = 438
=> k = 109.5 m
Therefore the dimension of the football pitch is 109.5 m x 72.5 m
2007-11-08 9:14 pm
參考: 自己
2007-10-31 1:48 am
Total Marks = 4*10 - 2*5 - (10-4-2)*2
= 22

Let the length be L,
the Width = L - 37

Perimeter = [L+(L-37)]*2 = 364
L = 109.5m, W = 109.5 - 37 = 72.5m
2007-10-31 1:48 am

i only know one sorry~
2007-10-31 1:44 am
22 marks

2007-10-30 17:46:58 補充:
72.5 m109.5 m

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