我有些 F.1 maths 唔識做(2) ]

2007-10-31 1:33 am
Please explain and give way to do this !

A workers is paid $50 per hour for normal work and the wages is doubled for overtime work. if the worker worked 45 hours in a week which includes X hours of overtime.

(a) Write down an expression for the worker's earning in the week.

(b) What is the value of X if the worker earned $2500 last week?

Help me please ! 感激不盡!

(可以就幫我做 [ 我有些 F.1 maths 唔識做(3) ] )

回答 (2)

2007-10-31 1:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
有一工人的正常工資為50元一小時,如果OT,工資就會雙倍(即100元一小時), 如果這星期,該工人工作了45小時,包括x小時是OT

y = 50* (45-x) + 100*x

b)如他這星期所賺取的工資是$2500, x是多少?
因為y =2500
所以 2500 = 50* (45-x) + 100*x
2500 = 2250 - 50x + 100x
250= 50x
x = 5
2007-10-31 1:39 am
earning = (45-X)*50 + 100X

(45-X)*50 + 100X = 2500
2250 - 50X + 100X = 2500
50X = 250
X = 5

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