read and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

2007-10-30 9:21 pm
____chinese new year isabel got aloat of lucky money_____her parents and relatives.She is thinking about spending it____toys.
today isabel's parents do not need to go to work so they go out_____isabel and her brother.They are taking a bus____tsim sha tsui.isabel wants to look_____some nice toys so she asks her parents to go to a shopping mall.They promise to takeher there.

回答 (3)

2007-10-30 9:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
[In] chinese new year ...... [在]農曆新年
[from] her parents and relatives ..... [從]父母及親戚
spending it [on] toys ..... spend on = 花錢購買某物品
go out [with] ..... with = 與某某一起, 偕同
a bus [to] ...... to = 到, 至
look [for] some nice toys ...... look for = 尋找
2007-11-09 3:50 am
2007-10-31 1:22 am
During Chinese New Year;
from her parents and relatives;
spending it on toys;
go out with Isabel;
taking a bus to Tsim Sha Tsui;
wants to look for some nice toys.

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